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📚 Standard module for denops.vim
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variable viminfo
import { viminfo } from "";

When non-empty, the viminfo file is read upon startup and written when exiting Vim (see viminfo-file). Except when 'viminfofile' is "NONE". The string should be a comma-separated list of parameters, each consisting of a single character identifying the particular parameter, followed by a number or string which specifies the value of that parameter. If a particular character is left out, then the default value is used for that parameter. The following is a list of the identifying characters and the effect of their value. CHAR VALUE

! When included, save and restore global variables that start with an uppercase letter, and don't contain a lowercase letter. Thus "KEEPTHIS and "K_L_M" are stored, but "KeepThis" and "_K_L_M" are not. Nested List and Dict items may not be read back correctly, you end up with an empty item.

" Maximum number of lines saved for each register. Old name of the '<' item, with the disadvantage that you need to put a backslash before the ", otherwise it will be recognized as the start of a comment!

% When included, save and restore the buffer list. If Vim is started with a file name argument, the buffer list is not restored. If Vim is started without a file name argument, the buffer list is restored from the viminfo file. Quickfix ('buftype'), unlisted ('buflisted'), unnamed and buffers on removable media (viminfo-r) are not saved. When followed by a number, the number specifies the maximum number of buffers that are stored. Without a number all buffers are stored.

' Maximum number of previously edited files for which the marks are remembered. This parameter must always be included when 'viminfo' is non-empty. Including this item also means that the jumplist and the changelist are stored in the viminfo file.

/ Maximum number of items in the search pattern history to be saved. If non-zero, then the previous search and substitute patterns are also saved. When not included, the value of 'history' is used.
  Maximum number of items in the command-line history to be
  saved.  When not included, the value of 'history' is used.

< Maximum number of lines saved for each register. If zero then registers are not saved. When not included, all lines are saved. '"' is the old name for this item. Also see the 's' item below: limit specified in Kbyte.

@ Maximum number of items in the input-line history to be saved. When not included, the value of 'history' is used.

c When included, convert the text in the viminfo file from the 'encoding' used when writing the file to the current 'encoding'. See viminfo-encoding.

f Whether file marks need to be stored. If zero, file marks ('0 to '9, 'A to 'Z) are not stored. When not present or when non-zero, they are all stored. '0 is used for the current cursor position (when exiting or when doing ":wviminfo").

h Disable the effect of 'hlsearch' when loading the viminfo file. When not included, it depends on whether ":nohlsearch" has been used since the last search command.

n Name of the viminfo file. The name must immediately follow the 'n'. Must be at the end of the option! If the 'viminfofile' option is set, that file name overrides the one given here with 'viminfo'. Environment variables are expanded when opening the file, not when setting the option.

r Removable media. The argument is a string (up to the next ','). This parameter can be given several times. Each specifies the start of a path for which no marks will be stored. This is to avoid removable media. For MS-Windows you could use "ra:,rb:", for Amiga "rdf0:,rdf1:,rdf2:". You can also use it for temp files, e.g., for Unix: "r/tmp". Case is ignored. Maximum length of each 'r' argument is 50 characters.

s Maximum size of an item in Kbyte. If zero then registers are not saved. Currently only applies to registers. The default "s10" will exclude registers with more than 10 Kbyte of text. Also see the '<' item above: line count limit.


:set viminfo='50,<1000,s100,:0,n~/vim/viminfo

'50 Marks will be remembered for the last 50 files you edited. <1000 Contents of registers (up to 1000 lines each) will be remembered. s100 Registers with more than 100 Kbyte text are skipped. :0 Command-line history will not be saved. n~/vim/viminfo The name of the file to use is "~/vim/viminfo". no / Since '/' is not specified, the default will be used, that is, save all of the search history, and also the previous search and substitute patterns. no % The buffer list will not be saved nor read back. no h 'hlsearch' highlighting will be restored.

When setting 'viminfo' from an empty value you can use :rviminfo to load the contents of the file, this is not done automatically.

This option cannot be set from a modeline or in the sandbox, for security reasons. NOTE: This option is set to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.

(Vi default: "", Vim default for MS-Windows: '100,<50,s10,h,rA:,rB:, for Amiga: '100,<50,s10,h,rdf0:,rdf1:,rdf2: for others: '100,<50,s10,h)

not available when compiled without the +viminfo feature

