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Denord - Discord for Deno

Denord is a Deno JavaScript/TypeScript library for Discord apps and bots.


Denord is currently in active developement and not stable, so you should only use this if you’re feeling experimental.

How to use

To use Denord, import symbols that you need from Here’s an example:

import { fetchDiscord } from "";

const myApp = await fetchDiscord(
  "Bot yourbottokengoeshere",

// Outputs snowflake, something like 1018619247838117919

…Why is it called denord_ on

Because denord was taken :/


Almost everything in Denord, like functions and classes, should be documented with JSDoc. To view documentation on these symbols, click “View Documentation” while at

Implementation Progress

You can see progress on what is being worked on and what will be worked on next by viewing the Denord Backlog Project on GitHub.


Big thank you to my sponsors!

(None yet… you could be the first!)