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Lightweight, Minimalist Framework For REST API πŸ¦• πŸš€
// Copyright 2022 Parthka. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { serve, serveTls } from "";import { Router } from "./router.ts";import { Req, Res, Routes } from "./types.ts";
/** A class which registers router. */class WebApp { public routes: Routes[] = []; // all routes private dHeaders: Record<string, string> = {}; // default headers private allowME = false; // more Exp var
/** default 404 status code handler */ private hand404 = (_: Req, res: Res): void => { res.reply = JSON.stringify({ status: 404, massage: "Route Not Found", }); res.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", }; };
/** default 500 status code handler */ private hand500 = (_: Req, res: Res): void => { res.reply = JSON.stringify({ status: 500, massage: "Internal Server Error", }); res.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", }; };
/** Set default headers */ public headers = (headers: Record<string, string>) => this.dHeaders = headers;
/** set more path Exp */ public allowMoreExp = (allow: boolean) => this.allowME = allow;
/** set routes */ public set = async (r: Router) => { this.routes = await r.getRoutes(this.allowME); // set all routes };
/** set 404 error handler */ public set404 = (hand: (req: Req, res: Res) => void) => { this.hand404 = hand; };
/** set 500 error handler */ public set500 = (hand: (req: Req, res: Res) => void) => { this.hand500 = hand; };
/** main handler */ private hand = async (req: Request): Promise<Response> => { const url = new URL(req.url);
let is404 = true;
const res: Res = { reply: "", headers: {}, status: 200, };
const r: Req = { state: {} };
// check all routes to client path for (const ele of this.routes) { if ( url.pathname.match(ele.reg) && (ele.method === req.method || ele.method === "ALL") ) { is404 = false; // if path found than not call 404
if (req.body) { r.body = await req.text(); // get client body }
r.headers = req.headers; // set headers r.method = req.method; // set methos r.url = url; // set url r.reg = ele.reg; // set reg exp
try { for (const h of ele.hand) { await h(r, res); // calls route handler if (await res.reply !== "") { break; } } } catch (_e) { await this.hand500(r, res); // if Errors than call 500 route } break; } }
// if page not found than if (is404) { if (req.body) { r.body = await req.text(); } r.headers = req.headers; r.method = req.method; r.url = url; try { await this.hand404(r, res); } catch (_e) { await this.hand500(r, res); } }
// send client response */ return new Response( typeof res.reply !== "object" ? res.reply : JSON.stringify(res.reply), { status: res.status, // set status code headers: { ...this.dHeaders, ...res.headers }, // set default and specific handler headers }, ); };
/** listen server */ public listen = (port: number) => { serve(this.hand, { port: port, // ser port }); };
/** listen server on TLS */ public listenTls = (port: number, certFile: string, keyFile: string) => { serveTls(this.hand, { port: port, // set port certFile, // set cert file keyFile, // set key file }); };}
export { WebApp }; // export server