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Lightweight, Minimalist Framework For REST API πŸ¦• πŸš€
// Copyright 2022 Parthka. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// deno-lint-ignore-file
import { MultipartFormData, MultipartReader,} from "";import { StringReader } from "";import { Req } from "../types.ts";
/** Get application/json parser function */class GetJSON { public field; // body object public text; // body text constructor( req: Req, ) { this.text = req.body; // parse string to object try { this.field = JSON.parse(req.body || ""); } catch (_) { this.field = {}; } } // return undefined files = () => { return undefined; }; // return undefined values = () => { return undefined; }; // return value value = (key: string | number) => { return this.field[key]; };}
/** Get application/x-www-form-urlencoded parser function */class GetURL { public field: Record<string, string> = {}; // body object public text; // body text constructor( req: Req, ) { this.text = req.body; // parse string to object if (req.body) { const o = req.body.split("&"); for (const p of o) { const l = p.split("="); try { this.field[l[0]] = l[1] ? decodeURI(l[1]) : ""; } catch (_) { this.field[l[0]] = l[1] || ""; } } } } // return undefined files = () => { return undefined; }; // return undefined values = () => { return undefined; }; // return value value = (key: string | number) => { return this.field[key]; };}
/** Get other body type parser function. */class GetOther { public field: Record<string, string> = {}; // body object public text; // body text constructor( req: Req, ) { this.text = req.body; } // return undefined files = () => { return undefined; }; // return undefined values = () => { return undefined; }; // return value value = (_k: string | number) => { return undefined; };}
/** Get multipart/form-data parser function. */const getForm = async ( req: Req, b: string[],): Promise<MultipartFormData | string> => { if (b[1] && req.body) { const sr = new StringReader(req.body); const mr = new MultipartReader(sr, b[1].split("=")[1]); return await mr.readForm(20 << 20); } else { return req.body || ""; }};
/** Parse Request Payload function. */export const bodyParse = async ( req: Req,): Promise<any> => { if (req.body && req.headers) { const reqType = String(req.headers.get("content-type")).split("; "); switch (reqType[0]) { case "application/json": return new GetJSON(req); // if content-type is application/json case "multipart/form-data": return await getForm(req, reqType); // if content-type is multipart/form-data case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": return new GetURL(req); // if content-type is x-www-form-urlencoded default: return new GetOther(req); } } else { return new GetOther(req); }};