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DenoSass is a complete nearly fully featured Sass compiler for Deno and Browser
/** * Made for futur use of the lib in CLI. * You can alterantively use the original Grass module from `cargo install grass` */import sass from "./mod.ts";import { SassFormats } from "./src/types/module.types.ts";import { parse as CMDParse } from "";import { readAll } from "";const readPerm = { name: "read" } as const;const writePerm = { name: "write" } as const;const envPerm = { name: "env" } as const;const netPerm = { name: "net" } as const;export const warn = (msg: string) => console.warn( `🟡 %c[%cDenoSass%c]%c ${msg}`, "color: yellow", "color: orange", "color: yellow", "color: yellow;", );export const error = (msg: string) => console.error( `🛑 %c[%cDenoSass%c]%c ${msg}`, "color: yellow", "color: red", "color: yellow", "color: red;", );export const log = (msg: string) => `🔵%c[%cDenoSass%c]%c ${msg}`, "color: red", "color: cyan", "color: red", "color: gray;", );
if (import.meta.main) { const canRead = await Deno.permissions.query(readPerm); const canWrite = await Deno.permissions.query(writePerm); const canEnv = await Deno.permissions.query(envPerm); const canNet = await Deno.permissions.query(netPerm); if ( canRead.state === "granted" && canWrite.state === "granted" && canEnv.state === "granted" && canNet.state === "granted" ) { const args = Deno.args; const command = args[0]; const parsed = CMDParse(args.slice(1), { alias: { "format": "f", "out": "o", "name": "n", "paths": "p", }, string: ["out", "name", "format", "o", "f", "n"], });
if (command === "compile") { const format = <SassFormats>parsed.f || parsed.format || undefined; const outdir = parsed.o || parsed.out || undefined; const filename = parsed.n || || undefined; const paths = parsed.p || parsed.paths || undefined; if (parsed._.length === 0) { //read std in until EOF log(`Write your sass code to stdin and press CTRL-D to compile`); let include_paths; if (paths && typeof paths === "string") { include_paths = paths.split(","); } else { include_paths = ["./"]; } const stdin = await readAll(Deno.stdin); const sass_result = sass(stdin, { load_paths: include_paths, quiet: true, style: format ?? "compressed", }); if (outdir) { sass_result.to_file({ destDir: outdir, destFile: filename !== "" ? filename : undefined, format: format as SassFormats, }); Deno.exit(0); } else { const output = sass_result.to_string(); if (!output) { error("The output is empty"); Deno.exit(1); } if (output instanceof Map) { output.forEach((file) => { Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(file as string)); }); Deno.exit(0); } else { Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(output as string)); Deno.exit(0); } } } else { let include_paths; if (paths && typeof paths === "string") { include_paths = paths.split(","); } else { include_paths = ["./"]; } const SassData = sass(parsed._ as string[], { load_paths: include_paths, quiet: true, style: format, }); if (outdir) { SassData.to_file({ destDir: outdir, destFile: filename !== "" ? filename : undefined, format: format as SassFormats, }); Deno.exit(0); } else { const output = SassData.to_string(); if (!output) { error("The output is empty"); Deno.exit(1); } if (output instanceof Map) { output.forEach((file) => { Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(file as string)); }); Deno.exit(0); } else { Deno.stdout.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(output as string)); Deno.exit(0); } } } } else { log( "Usage: denosass compile --format <compressed | expanded> --out ./dir --name nameexported string | string[]", ); } } else { error( "You need to grant read, write, env, net permissions to run this script.", ); Deno.exit(1); }}