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deno module deno compatibility

denotation is a tool for versioning and creating GitHub releases, which can run as part of an automatic Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. The next semantic version is determined by conventional commit history.


  • deno 1.28 or higher
  • git and GitHub CLI gh installed (available by default in GitHub Actions)


The program can be invoked directly via URL or installed as a CLI. The default name when installing is denotation, but a custom name can be chosen.

deno run --allow-run='gh,git' --unstable -- --help
deno install --allow-run='gh,git' --unstable -n denote
denote --help


When the script runs it will look at the commits made since the last git tag, for example v1.0.0. Depending on the conventional commit messages it will increment with either a patch (v1.0.1), minor version (v1.1.0) or major version (v2.0.0).

Here are some commit examples:

fix: throw error on divide by zero -> patch increment

feat: look a new shiny object! -> minor increment

feat!: change parameter type number to string -> major increment

feat(myScope)!: change parameter type number to string -> major increment

feat: change parameter type number to string

BREAKING CHANGE: existing calls to myFunction will need to be updated.

-> major increment

The following example shows how to use denotation as a step in GitHub Actions to create a release:

name: release

on: workflow_dispatch

    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0
      - uses: denoland/setup-deno@v1.1.0
          deno-version: v1.x.x
      - run: deno run --allow-run='gh,git' --unstable
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # GitHub Actions built-in variable.

At the moment Continuous Delivery is supported where a draft release is made with generated release notes and some final edits can be made before publishing to a module registry like


Currently there is support for pre-releases with the suffix -alpha.[version]. Use the --prerelease option to make the next release a pre-release.

If you are on v1.0.0, and you make a fix: commit for example, with --prerelease the next version will become v1.0.1-alpha.0.

Filter release notes

You can use --filter-notes to create custom release notes that don’t contain certain dev-only commits, such as chore:, fix(ci) and build. Only fix, feat and perf commits will be kept in the release notes.

Currently this option is experimental.


  • Support Continuous Deployment, where release is immediate
  • Support custom version increments based on commit scope like feat(ci) incrementing as a patch instead of a minor release.


You are welcome to report bugs, other issues, or make a feature request! If you want to add a fix/feature/other improvement, fork this repository and make a pull request with your changes.