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A minimal profile page generator for Deno Deploy
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import { AMP, assertEquals, assertThrows, GT, LT, QUOT } from "./deps.ts";import { DENOTE_LOGO, icongram, loadConfig, sanitize } from "./render_html.ts";import { ConfigObject } from "./types.ts";
Deno.test("sanitize", () => { assertEquals(sanitize(""), ""); assertEquals(sanitize("normal text"), "normal text"); assertEquals(sanitize("<chevron>"), LT + "chevron" + GT); assertEquals( sanitize(`and & "quotes"`), "and " + AMP + " " + QUOT + "quotes" + QUOT, );});
Deno.test("loadConfig", () => { const config: Partial<ConfigObject> = { description: "<description>", twitter: "twitter", list: { id1: { icon: "feather/github", items: [ { icon: "feather/github", link: "", }, ], }, id2: { icon: "devicons/gitlab", items: [ { text: "gitlab", }, ], }, }, };
const processed: ConfigObject = { name: "Your name will be here", disable: [], description: "&lt;description&gt;", image: "", favicon: DENOTE_LOGO, twitter: "@twitter", list: { id1: { icon: "feather/github", items: [ { icon: "feather/github", text: "", link: "", }, ], }, id2: { icon: "devicons/gitlab", items: [ { icon: undefined, text: "gitlab", link: "", }, ], }, }, }; assertEquals(loadConfig(config), processed);
assertThrows(() => { loadConfig({ name: "", disable: [], twitter: "", description: "", image: "", favicon: "", list: {}, }); });});
Deno.test("icongram", () => { assertEquals( icongram("clarity/github"), `<img src="" alt="clarity/github">`, );
assertEquals( icongram("jam/flower", 30), `<img src="" alt="jam/flower">`, );
assertEquals( icongram("feather/external-link", 12, { class: "ex-link" }), `<img src="" alt="feather/external-link" class="ex-link">`, );
assertThrows(() => { icongram("foo"); });});