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A minimal profile page generator for Deno Deploy
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import { createHash, decode, encode, gunzip, gzip, json, sift, validateRequest,} from "./deps.ts";import { renderHtml } from "./render_html.ts";import { ConfigObject } from "./types.ts";import { deleteItem, getItem, putItem } from "./dynamodb.ts";
export function applyHash(token: string) { return createHash("sha256").update(`${token}`).toString();}
const NAME_REGEX = /^[a-z][a-z0-9_-]{2,64}$/;const TOKEN_REGEX = /^[!-~]{8,128}$/;
export function validateName(name: string) { return NAME_REGEX.test(name);}
export function validateToken(token: string) { return TOKEN_REGEX.test(token);}
export function validateConfig(config: string) { try { const { list } = JSON.parse(config); return !!(list); } catch (_) { return false; }}export function encodeConfig(rawConfig: string) { // use parse and stringify to minify json return encode( gzip( new TextEncoder().encode( JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(rawConfig)), ), ), );}export function decodeConfig(compressedConfig: string) { return JSON.parse( new TextDecoder().decode(gunzip(decode(compressedConfig))), ) as ConfigObject;}
sift({ "/": async (request) => { const { error, body } = await validateRequest(request, { GET: {}, POST: { body: ["name", "token", "config"], }, DELETE: { body: ["name", "token"], }, }); if (error) { return json({ error: error.message }, { status: error.status }); } if (body == null) { return json({ message: "could not process the data." }, { status: 400 }); }
if (request.method === "GET") { return json({ message: "please access with POST to create new data or DELETE to delete the data.", }); }
const name = `${}`; const token = `${body.token}`; const rawConfig = `${body.config}`;
if (!validateName(name)) { return json({ message: `invalid name. this must match with ${NAME_REGEX}`, }); } if (!validateToken(token)) { return json({ message: `invalid token. this must match with ${TOKEN_REGEX}`, }); } if (!validateConfig(rawConfig)) { return json({ message: "invalid config. this must be a valid JSON which contains 'list' key.", }); }
const hashedToken = applyHash(name + token);
const config = encodeConfig(rawConfig);
if (request.method === "POST") { const item = await getItem(name); if (item && item.hashedToken !== hashedToken) { return json({ message: `the token is incorrect. use correct token to update the record or use other name to create new one.`, }, { status: 401 }); }
const result = await putItem({ name, hashedToken, config }); if (result) { return json({ message: "data is saved successfully. do not forget your token.", name, token, }); } }
if (request.method === "DELETE") { const item = await getItem(name); if (!item) { return json({ message: `the name '${name}' is not exist.`, }, { status: 404 }); }
if (item.hashedToken !== hashedToken) { return json({ message: `the name '${name}' is already exist but the token is incorrect. use correct token to delete the record.`, }, { status: 401 }); }
const result = await deleteItem(name); if (result) { return json({ message: `the data of the name '${name}' is deleted successfully.`, }); } } return json({ message: "something went wrong." }, { status: 500 }); }, "/:slug": async (_, params) => { const name = Array.isArray(params.slug) ? params.slug[0] : params.slug; console.log(name);
const item = await getItem(name);
if (!(item?.config)) { return json({ message: "not found." }, { status: 404 }); }
try { const rawConfig = decodeConfig(item.config); ||= name; console.log({ rawConfig }); const html = renderHtml(rawConfig, true); return new Response(html, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html" } }); } catch (error) { console.warn(error); } return json({ message: "something went wrong." }, { status: 500 }); }, 404: () => json({ message: "not found." }, { status: 404 }),});