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A minimal profile page generator for Deno Deploy
import { extname, parseYaml } from "./../deps.ts";
const usage = `denote register <filename>
Publish the page on with given config file.
Example: denote register profile.yml --name your-name --token your-token
The input should be YAML or JSON file. You can use URL when the config file is published on the web. 'name' and 'token' options are both required.
Options: -n, --name [name] Your name. Use as[name] -t, --token [token] Your token. It hashed and saved. -h, --help Shows the help message.`.trim();
function isURL(str: string) { try { new URL(str); return true; } catch (_) { return false; }}async function getText(url: string): Promise<string> { const response = await fetch(url); if (response.ok) { return await response.text(); } return "";}
function error(str: string): void { console.error("\nError: " + str);}
export async function register({ debug, name, help, token, filename,}: { debug: boolean; name: boolean; token: boolean; help: string; filename: string;}) { if (debug) { console.log({ debug, name, token, help, filename, }); }
if (help) { console.log(usage); return 0; }
if (!filename) { console.log(usage); error("source file is required"); return 1; }
const ext = extname(filename); if (![".yml", ".yaml", ".json"].includes(ext)) { console.log(usage); error("invalid file is passed as an argument"); return 1; }
if (!name || !token) { console.log(usage); error("name and token are both required"); return 1; }
try { const contents = isURL(filename) ? await getText(filename) : await Deno.readTextFile(filename);
// validate and minify const config = JSON.stringify(parseYaml(contents));
const result = await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ name, token, config }), });
const json = await result.json(); console.log(json?.message);
return 0; } catch (e) { error(e); return 1; }}