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A minimal profile page generator for Deno Deploy
import { debounce, extname, parseYaml } from "./../deps.ts";import { renderHtml } from "./../render_html.ts";import { ConfigObject } from "./../types.ts";
const usage = `denote serve <filename>
Runs local server without creating any files.
Example: denote serve ./denote.yml
The input should be YAML or JSON file.
Options: -p, --port <port:number> Specifies the port to local server. Default is 8080. -w, --watch Restarts the local server when the source file is updated. -h, --help Shows the help message.`.trim();
function error(str: string): void { console.error("\nError: " + str);}
export async function serve({ debug, help, port, filename, watch,}: { debug: boolean; help: string; port: string; filename: string; watch: boolean;}) { if (debug) { console.log({ debug, help, port, filename, watch, }); }
if (help) { console.log(usage); return 0; }
if (!filename) { console.log(usage); error("source file is required"); return 1; } if (![".yaml", ".yml", ".json"].includes(extname(filename))) { console.log(usage); error("invalid file is passed as an argument"); return 1; } if (!/^[1-9]\d*$/.test(port)) { console.log(usage); error("invalid port number is detected"); return 1; }
if (watch) { await runServerWithWatching(filename, Number(port), { debug }); } else { await runServer(filename, Number(port), { debug }); } return 0;}
let html = "";async function runServer( source: string, port: number, { debug = false } = {},) { const config = parseYaml(Deno.readTextFileSync(source)) as ConfigObject; html = renderHtml(config, debug); console.log( `HTTP webserver running. Access it at: http://localhost:${port}/`, ); const headers = new Headers({ "content-type": "text/html" }); for await (const conn of Deno.listen({ port })) { (async () => { for await (const { respondWith } of Deno.serveHttp(conn)) { respondWith(new Response(html, { status: 200, headers })); } })(); }}
// [Build a live reloader and explore Deno! 🦕 - DEV Community]( async function runServerWithWatching( source: string, port: number, { interval = 300, debug = false } = {},) { runServer(source, port, { debug });
const watcher = Deno.watchFs(source);
const rebuild = debounce(() => { console.log("File change detected"); console.log("Rebuilding..."); const config = parseYaml(Deno.readTextFileSync(source)) as ConfigObject; html = renderHtml(config, debug); console.log("Local server is updated"); console.log("Watching for changes..."); }, interval);
console.log("Watching for changes..."); for await (const event of watcher) { if (event.kind !== "modify") { continue; } rebuild(); }}