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Denovo (Un-official Ovo API wrapper for Deno πŸ¦•)

License: MIT


This is an Un-official Ovo API wrapper for Deno got inspired from ovoid-nodejs and this is the result of porting from ovoid


  • Import Denovo class from mod.ts
import {Denovo} from ""

let denovo = new Denovo()
  • First step, login with your phone number
let login = denovo.login2FA('<Your phone number>')
console.log(login.then((data) => console.log(data)))
  • Second step, to get access token, you must login with login2faVerify
let login2FAverify = denovo.login2FAverify('<refId>', '<OTP Code>', '<Your phone number>')
login2FAverify.then((data) => console.log(data))
  • Third step, to get JWT token, you must to call loginSecurity function
let loginSecurity = denovo.loginSecurity('<Your Pin OVO>', '<update access token>')
loginSecurity.then((data) => console.log(data))
  • And then, put the JWT Token into the paramater class Denovo
denovo = new Denovo("<Your JWT Token>")
  • To get data budget, you can use getBudget function
let getDataBudget = denovo.getBudget()
getDataBudget.then((data) => console.log(data))
  • To get reference code bank, you can use getRefBank function
let getRefBank = denovo.getRefBank()
getRefBank.then((data) => console.log(data))
  • To get data all notification in your ovo account, you can use getAllNotif function
let getAllNotif = denovo.getAllNotif()
getAllNotif.then((data) => console.log(data))
  • To get data unread history in your ovo account, you can use getUnreadHistory function
let getUnreadHistory = denovo.getUnreadHistory()
getUnreadHistory.then((data) => console.log(data))
  • To get data wallet transaction, you can use getWalletTrans function
let getWalletTrans = denovo.getWalletTrans(1, 10)
getWalletTrans.then((data) => console.log(data))
  • To logout from your ovo account, you can use logout function
let logout = denovo.ovoLogout()
logout.then((data) => console.log(data))
  • And then, how to run this? πŸ€”
deno run --allow-net ./example/index.ts


Method Result
login2FA βœ”
login2FAVerify βœ”
loginSecurityCode βœ”
getBudget βœ”
getRefBank βœ”
getAllNotification βœ”
getUnreadHistory βœ”
getWalletTransaction βœ”
logout βœ”
generateTrxId βœ–
transferOvo βœ–


@Satyawikananda Β© 2020