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Command line tool for Deno Deploy
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// Copyright 2021 Deno Land Inc. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { green, yellow } from "../../deps.ts";import { error, printError } from "../error.ts";import { analyzeDeps } from "../utils/info.ts";import { tsconfig } from "../utils/tsconfig.ts";import { loaderDataUrl } from "../utils/run.ts";import { parseEntrypoint } from "../utils/entrypoint.ts";
const help = `deployctl checkPerform type checking of the given file or url as Deno Deploy script.
To check a script: deployctl check
To check a script and watch for changes: deployctl check --watch
USAGE: deployctl check [OPTIONS] <ENTRYPOINT>
OPTIONS: -h, --help Prints help information --libs=<libs> The deploy type libs that are loaded (default "ns,window,fetchevent") -r, --reload Reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript) --watch Watch for file changes and restart process automatically`;
export interface Args { help: boolean; reload: boolean; watch: boolean; libs: { ns: boolean; window: boolean; fetchevent: boolean; };}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport default async function (rawArgs: Record<string, any>): Promise<void> { const libs = String(rawArgs.libs).split(","); const args: Args = { help: !!, reload: !!rawArgs.reload, watch: !!, libs: { ns: libs.includes("ns"), window: libs.includes("window"), fetchevent: libs.includes("fetchevent"), }, }; const entrypoint: string | null = typeof rawArgs._[0] === "string" ? rawArgs._[0] : null; if ( { console.log(help); Deno.exit(0); } if (entrypoint === null) { console.error(help); error("No entrypoint specifier given."); } if (rawArgs._.length > 1) { console.error(help); error("Too many positional arguments given."); }
const opts = { entrypoint: await parseEntrypoint(entrypoint), reload: args.reload, libs: args.libs, };
if ( { await watch(opts); } else { await once(opts); }}
interface CheckOpts { entrypoint: URL; reload: boolean; libs: { ns: boolean; window: boolean; fetchevent: boolean; };}
async function once(opts: CheckOpts): Promise<void> { const { errors } = await analyzeDeps(opts.entrypoint); for (const error of errors) { printError(error); } if (errors.length !== 0) Deno.exit(1); const status = await check(opts); Deno.exit(status);}
async function check({ entrypoint, reload, libs }: CheckOpts): Promise<number> { const tsconfigPath = await tsconfig(); const dataUrl = await loaderDataUrl(entrypoint, libs); const args = ["--config", tsconfigPath]; if (reload) { args.push("--reload"); } // TODO(kt3k): Filter "Check data:..." lines const p ={ cmd: [Deno.execPath(), "cache", ...args, dataUrl], }); const [status] = await Promise.all([p.status()]); if (status.code === 0) { console.log(green("OK")); } return status.code;}
async function watch(opts: CheckOpts) { let { deps, errors } = await analyzeDeps(opts.entrypoint); for (const error of errors) { printError(error); } let debouncer = null; if (errors.length === 0) { await check(opts); }
while (true) { const watcher = Deno.watchFs(deps); for await (const event of watcher) { if (typeof debouncer == "number") clearTimeout(debouncer); debouncer = setTimeout(async () => { console.warn(yellow(`${event.paths[0]} changed. Restarting...`)); const { deps: newDeps, errors: newErrors } = await analyzeDeps( opts.entrypoint, ); for (const error of newErrors) { printError(error); } const depsChanged = new Set([...deps, ...newDeps]).size; if (depsChanged) { deps = newDeps; watcher.return?.(); } if (errors.length === 0) { await check(opts); } }, 100); } }}