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Command line tool for Deno Deploy
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --allow-net --allow-run --allow-sys --quiet
// Copyright 2021 Deno Land Inc. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { semverGreaterThanOrEquals, setColorEnabled } from "./deps.ts";import { Args, parseArgs } from "./src/args.ts";import { error } from "./src/error.ts";import deploySubcommand from "./src/subcommands/deploy.ts";import upgradeSubcommand from "./src/subcommands/upgrade.ts";import logsSubcommand from "./src/subcommands/logs.ts";import topSubcommand from "./src/subcommands/top.ts";import projectsSubcommand from "./src/subcommands/projects.ts";import { MINIMUM_DENO_VERSION, VERSION } from "./src/version.ts";import { fetchReleases, getConfigPaths } from "./src/utils/info.ts";import configFile from "./src/config_file.ts";import inferConfig from "./src/config_inference.ts";import { wait } from "./src/utils/spinner.ts";import { isTerminal } from "./src/utils/mod.ts";
const help = `deployctl ${VERSION}Command line tool for Deno Deploy.
SUBCOMMANDS: deploy Deploy a script with static files to Deno Deploy projects Manage projects logs View logs for the given project top Monitor projects resource usage in real time upgrade Upgrade deployctl to the given version (defaults to latest)
For more detailed help on each subcommand, use:
deployctl <SUBCOMMAND> -h`;
if (!semverGreaterThanOrEquals(Deno.version.deno, MINIMUM_DENO_VERSION)) { error( `The Deno version you are using is too old. Please update to Deno ${MINIMUM_DENO_VERSION} or later. To do this run \`deno upgrade\`.`, );}
const args = parseArgs(Deno.args);
if (isTerminal(Deno.stdin)) { let latestVersion; // Get the path to the update information json file. const { updatePath } = getConfigPaths(); // Try to read the json file. const updateInfoJson = await Deno.readTextFile(updatePath).catch((error) => { if ( == "NotFound") return null; console.error(error); }); if (updateInfoJson) { const updateInfo = JSON.parse(updateInfoJson) as { lastFetched: number; latest: number; }; const moreThanADay = Math.abs( - updateInfo.lastFetched) > 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // Fetch the latest release if it has been more than a day since the last // time the information about new version is fetched. if (moreThanADay) { fetchReleases(); } else { latestVersion = updateInfo.latest; } } else { fetchReleases(); }
// If latestVersion is set we need to inform the user about a new release. if ( latestVersion && !(semverGreaterThanOrEquals(VERSION, latestVersion.toString())) ) { console.error( [ `A new release of deployctl is available: ${VERSION} -> ${latestVersion}`, "To upgrade, run `deployctl upgrade`", `${latestVersion}\n`, ].join("\n"), ); }}
const subcommand = args._.shift();switch (subcommand) { case "deploy": await setDefaultsFromConfigFile(args); await inferConfig(args); await deploySubcommand(args); break; case "upgrade": await setDefaultsFromConfigFile(args); await upgradeSubcommand(args); break; case "logs": await setDefaultsFromConfigFile(args); await logsSubcommand(args); break; case "top": await setDefaultsFromConfigFile(args); await topSubcommand(args); break; case "projects": await setDefaultsFromConfigFile(args); await projectsSubcommand(args); break; default: if (args.version) { console.log(`deployctl ${VERSION}`); Deno.exit(0); } if ( { console.log(help); Deno.exit(0); } console.error(help); Deno.exit(1);}
async function setDefaultsFromConfigFile(args: Args) { const loadFileConfig = !args.version && !; if (loadFileConfig) { const config = await args.config ?? configFile.cwdOrAncestors(), ); if (config === null && args.config !== undefined && !args["save-config"]) { error( `Could not find or read the config file '${args.config}'. Use --save-config to create it.`, ); } if (config !== null) { wait("").start().info(`Using config file '${config.path()}'`); config.useAsDefaultFor(args); // Set the effective config path for the rest of the execution args.config = config.path(); } }}
function setColoring(args: Args) { switch (args.color) { case "auto": setAutoColoring(); break; case "always": setColorEnabled(true); break; case "never": setColorEnabled(false); break; default: wait("").start().warn( `'${args.color}' value for the --color option is not valid. Valid values are 'auto', 'always' and 'never'. Defaulting to 'auto'`, ); setAutoColoring(); }}
function setAutoColoring() { if (isTerminal(Deno.stdout)) { setColorEnabled(true); } else { setColorEnabled(false); }}