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Command line tool for Deno Deploy
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --allow-net --allow-run --no-check
// Copyright 2021 Deno Land Inc. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { parseArgs, semverGreaterThanOrEquals } from "./deps.ts";import { error } from "./src/error.ts";import deploySubcommand from "./src/subcommands/deploy.ts";import upgradeSubcommand from "./src/subcommands/upgrade.ts";import { MINIMUM_DENO_VERSION, VERSION } from "./src/version.ts";import { fetchReleases, getConfigPaths } from "./src/utils/info.ts";
const help = `deployctl ${VERSION}Command line tool for Deno Deploy.
To deploy a local script: deployctl deploy --project=helloworld ./main.ts
To deploy a remote script: deployctl deploy --project=helloworld
SUBCOMMANDS: deploy Deploy a script with static files to Deno Deploy upgrade Upgrade deployctl to the given version (defaults to latest)`;
if (!semverGreaterThanOrEquals(Deno.version.deno, MINIMUM_DENO_VERSION)) { error( `The Deno version you are using is too old. Please update to Deno ${MINIMUM_DENO_VERSION} or later. To do this run \`deno upgrade\`.`, );}
const args = parseArgs(Deno.args, { alias: { "help": "h", "version": "V", "project": "p", }, boolean: [ "help", "prod", "static", "version", ], string: [ "project", "token", "include", "exclude", "import-map", ], default: { static: true, },});
if (Deno.isatty(Deno.stdin.rid)) { let latestVersion; // Get the path to the update information json file. const { updatePath } = getConfigPaths(); // Try to read the json file. const updateInfoJson = await Deno.readTextFile(updatePath).catch((error) => { if ( == "NotFound") return null; console.error(error); }); if (updateInfoJson) { const updateInfo = JSON.parse(updateInfoJson) as { lastFetched: number; latest: number; }; const moreThanADay = Math.abs( - updateInfo.lastFetched) > 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // Fetch the latest release if it has been more than a day since the last // time the information about new version is fetched. if (moreThanADay) { fetchReleases(); } else { latestVersion = updateInfo.latest; } } else { fetchReleases(); }
// If latestVersion is set we need to inform the user about a new release. if ( latestVersion && !(semverGreaterThanOrEquals(VERSION, latestVersion.toString())) ) { console.log( [ `A new release of deployctl is available: ${VERSION} -> ${latestVersion}`, "To upgrade, run `deployctl upgrade`", `${latestVersion}\n`, ].join("\n"), ); }}
const subcommand = args._.shift();switch (subcommand) { case "deploy": await deploySubcommand(args); break; case "upgrade": await upgradeSubcommand(args); break; default: if (args.version) { console.log(`deployctl ${VERSION}`); Deno.exit(0); } if ( { console.log(help); Deno.exit(0); } console.error(help); Deno.exit(1);}