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Command line tool for Deno Deploy
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export interface Permissions { net: boolean; read: boolean; write: boolean; env: boolean; run: boolean;}
export function deployctl( args: string[], permissions: Permissions = { net: true, read: true, write: true, env: true, run: true, },): Deno.Process { const deno = [ Deno.execPath(), "run", "--no-check", ];
if (permissions?.net) deno.push("--allow-net"); if (permissions?.read) deno.push("--allow-read"); if (permissions?.write) deno.push("--allow-write"); if (permissions?.env) deno.push("--allow-env"); if (permissions?.run) deno.push("--allow-run");
deno.push(new URL("../deployctl.ts", import.meta.url).toString());
const cmd = == "linux" ? ["bash", "-c", [...deno, ...args].join(" ")] : [...deno, ...args];
return{ cmd, stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", });}
export interface TestOptions { args: string[]; name?: string; permissions?: Permissions;}
export function test( opts: TestOptions, fn: (proc: Deno.Process) => void | Promise<void>,) { const name = ?? ["deployctl", ...opts.args].join(" "); Deno.test(name, async () => { const proc = deployctl(opts.args, opts.permissions); try { await fn(proc); } finally { proc.close(); } });}
export async function output( proc: Deno.Process,): Promise<[string, string, Deno.ProcessStatus]> { const [status, stdout, stderr] = await Promise.all([ proc.status(), proc.output(), proc.stderrOutput(), ]); return [ new TextDecoder().decode(stdout), new TextDecoder().decode(stderr), status, ];}