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deploy_dir v0.2.3


deploy_dir is a CLI tool for hosting static web sites in Deno Deploy.

deploy_dir reads the contents of a directory and package them as source code for Deno Deploy.

Note: This tool is not suitable for hosting large static contents like videos, audios, high-res images, etc.


Deno >= 1.10 is recommended.

deno install -qf --allow-read=. --allow-write=.


The basic usage of the CLI is:

deploy_dir dist -o deploy.ts

This command reads the files under ./dist/ directory and writes the source code for Deno Deploy to ./deploy.ts

You can check the behavior of this deployment by using deployctl command:

deployctl run deploy.ts

This serves the contents of the source directory such as http://localhost:8080/foo.txt , http://localhost:8080/bar.ts , etc (Note: The directory index path maps to dir/index.html automatically)

CLI usage

deploy_dir supports the following options:

Usage: deploy_dir <dir> [-h][-v][-o <filename>][--js][-r <path>]

Read the files under the given directory and outputs the source code for Deno Deploy
which serves the contents of the given directory.

  -r, --root <path>           Specifies the root path of the deployed static files. Default is '/'.
  -o, --output <filename>     Specifies the output filename. If not specified, the tool shows the source code to stdout.
  --js                        Output source code as plain JavaScript. Default is false.
  --basic-auth <id:pw>        Performs basic authentication in the deployed site. The credentials are in the form of <user>:<password>
  -y, --yes                   Answers yes when the tool ask for overwriting the output.
  -v, --version               Shows the version number.
  -h, --help                  Shows the help message.

  deploy_dir dist/ -o deploy.ts
                              Reads the files under dist/ directory and outputs 'deploy.ts' file which
                              serves the contents under dist/ as deno deploy worker.


The output source typically looks like the below:

// This script is generated by
import { decode } from "";
import { gunzip } from "";
const dirData: Record<string, [Uint8Array, string]> = {};
dirData["/bar.ts"] = [
dirData["/foo.txt"] = [
dirData["/index.html"] = [
addEventListener("fetch", (e) => {
  let { pathname } = new URL(e.request.url);
  if (pathname.endsWith("/")) {
    pathname += "index.html";
  let data = dirData[pathname];
  if (!data) {
    data = dirData[pathname + ".html"];
  if (data) {
    const [bytes, mediaType] = data;
    const acceptsGzip = e.request.headers.get("accept-encoding")?.split(
    if (acceptsGzip) {
        new Response(bytes, {
          headers: {
            "content-type": mediaType,
            "content-encoding": "gzip",
    } else {
        new Response(gunzip(bytes), { headers: { "content-type": mediaType } }),
  e.respondWith(new Response("404 Not Found", { status: 404 }));

You can extend this deploy source code by removing the last line e.respondWith(new Response("404 Not Found", { status: 404 })); and replace it with your own handler.


If your generated script exceeds 5MB, your deployment will become very unstable. This is because Deno Deploy has 256MB memory limit. In that case, we recommend using proxying technique for serving static web site.
