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Fast web framework for Deno (support native HTTP/2 Hyper and std/http).
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export type TBody = Uint8Array | Deno.Reader | string;export type NextFunction = (err?: any) => void;export interface HttpRequest { respond: (r: any) => Promise<void>; url: string; method: string; headers: Headers; body: Deno.Reader | null; originalUrl: string; params: { [k: string]: any }; _parsedUrl: { [k: string]: any }; path: string; query: { [k: string]: any }; options: PondOptions; search: string | null; pond(body?: TBody | { [k: string]: any } | null, opts?: PondOptions): Promise<void>; [key: string]: any;};export interface HttpResponse { locals: any; [key: string]: any;};export type PondOptions = { status?: number; headers?: any; [key: string]: any;};export type DeroConfig = { useParseQuery?: (query: string) => any; useParseUrl?: (req: HttpRequest) => any; useNativeHttp?: boolean;};export type THandler< Req extends HttpRequest = HttpRequest, Res extends HttpResponse = HttpResponse > = (req: Req, res: Res, next: NextFunction) => any;export type THandlers< Req extends HttpRequest = HttpRequest, Res extends HttpResponse = HttpResponse > = Array<THandler<Req, Res> | THandler<Req, Res>[]>;