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Fast web framework for Deno (support native HTTP/2 Hyper and std/http).
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import { THandler, THandlers, HttpRequest, HttpResponse } from "./types.ts";import { findBase } from "./utils.ts";
export default class Router< Req extends HttpRequest = HttpRequest, Res extends HttpResponse = HttpResponse > { route: Record<string, any> = {}; c_routes: Record<string, any>[] = []; midds: THandler<Req, Res>[] = []; pmidds: Record<string, any> = {}; get: (path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) => this; post: (path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) => this; put: (path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) => this; patch: (path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) => this; delete: (path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) => this; any: (path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) => this; head: (path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) => this; options: (path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) => this; trace: (path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) => this; connect: (path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) => this; constructor() { this.get = this.on.bind(this, "GET"); = this.on.bind(this, "POST"); this.put = this.on.bind(this, "PUT"); this.patch = this.on.bind(this, "PATCH"); this.delete = this.on.bind(this, "DELETE"); this.any = this.on.bind(this, "ANY"); this.head = this.on.bind(this, "HEAD"); this.options = this.on.bind(this, "OPTIONS"); this.trace = this.on.bind(this, 'TRACE'); this.connect = this.on.bind(this, 'CONNECT'); } #addMidd = ( midds: THandler<Req, Res>[], notFound: THandler<Req, Res>, fns: THandler<Req, Res>[], url: string = '/', midAsset?: { [k: string]: any } ) => { if (midAsset !== void 0) { let pfx = findBase(url); if (midAsset[pfx]) fns = midAsset[pfx].concat(fns); } if (midds.length) fns = midds.concat(fns); return (fns = fns.concat([notFound])); } on(method: string, path: string, ...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) { this.c_routes.push({ method, path, handlers }); return this; } findRoute(method: string, url: string, notFound: THandler<Req, Res>) { let params: { [key: string]: any } = {}, handlers: any[] = [], opts; if (this.route[method + url]) { let obj = this.route[method + url]; opts = obj.opts; if (obj.m) handlers = obj.handlers; else { handlers = this.#addMidd(this.midds, notFound, obj.handlers); this.route[method + url] = { m: true, handlers, opts: obj.opts }; } } else { let key = ''; if (url.lastIndexOf('/') === (url.length - 1)) { let _key = url.slice(0, -1); key = _key.substring(0, _key.lastIndexOf('/')); } else key = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/')); if (this.route[method + key + '/:p']) { let obj = this.route[method + key + '/:p']; opts = obj.opts; params[obj.params] = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (obj.m) handlers = obj.handlers; else { handlers = this.#addMidd(this.midds, notFound, obj.handlers); this.route[method + key + '/:p'] = { m: true, params: obj.params, handlers, opts: obj.opts }; } } else { let i = 0, j = 0, obj: any = {}, routes = this.route[method] || [], matches = [], nf = true; if (this.route['ANY']) routes = routes.concat(this.route['ANY']); let len = routes.length; if (len) { while (i < len) { obj = routes[i]; if (obj.pathx && obj.pathx.test(url)) { nf = false; if (obj.m) handlers = obj.handlers; else { handlers = this.#addMidd(this.midds, notFound, obj.handlers); if (this.route[method] && this.route[method][i]) { this.route[method][i] = { m: true, params: obj.params, handlers, pathx: obj.pathx, opts: obj.opts }; } } if (obj.params) { matches = obj.pathx.exec(url); while (j < obj.params.length) params[obj.params[j]] = matches[++j] || null; if (params['wild']) params['wild'] = params['wild'].split('/'); } opts = obj.opts; break; } i++; } } if (nf) handlers = this.#addMidd(this.midds, notFound, [], url, this.pmidds); } } return { params, handlers, opts }; }}