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Fast web framework for Deno (support native HTTP/2 Hyper and std/http).
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import { THandlers, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NextFunction, THandler } from "./types.ts";import { findFns } from "./utils.ts";
function withMethodDecorator(method: string, path: string = "") { return (_: any, __: any, des: PropertyDescriptor) => { if (typeof des.value === "object") { des.value = { method, path, handlers: des.value?.handlers }; } else { des.value = { method, path, handlers: [des.value] }; } return des; }}export const Get = (path: string = "") => withMethodDecorator("GET", path);export const Post = (path: string = "") => withMethodDecorator("POST", path);export const Put = (path: string = "") => withMethodDecorator("PUT", path);export const Delete = (path: string = "") => withMethodDecorator("DELETE", path);export const Any = (path: string = "") => withMethodDecorator("ANY", path);export const Options = (path: string = "") => withMethodDecorator("OPTIONS", path);export const Head = (path: string = "") => withMethodDecorator("HEAD", path);export const Trace = (path: string = "") => withMethodDecorator("TRACE", path);export const Connect = (path: string = "") => withMethodDecorator("CONNECT", path);export const Patch = (path: string = "") => withMethodDecorator("PATCH", path);
export function Wares< Req extends HttpRequest = HttpRequest, Res extends HttpResponse = HttpResponse>(...handlers: THandlers<Req, Res>) { let fns = findFns(handlers); return (_: any, __: any, des: PropertyDescriptor) => { if (typeof des.value === 'object') { let obj = des.value; obj.handlers = fns.concat(obj.handlers); des.value = obj; return des; } }}export function Status(status: number) { return (_: any, __: any, des: PropertyDescriptor) => { let obj = typeof des.value === "object" ? des.value : { handlers: [des.value] }; obj.handlers = [(req: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse, next: NextFunction) => { res.status(status); next(); }].concat(obj.handlers); des.value = obj; return des; }}export function Header(header: { [k: string]: any } | THandler) { return (_: any, __: any, des: PropertyDescriptor) => { let obj = typeof des.value === "object" ? des.value : { handlers: [des.value] }; obj.handlers = [(req: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse, next: NextFunction) => { let _headers = typeof header === 'function' ? header(req, res, next) : header; res.header(_headers); next(); }].concat(obj.handlers); des.value = obj; return des; }}
export function Controller(path: string = "") { return (target: Function) => { let c_routes = [] as any; const protos = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target.prototype); for (const key of protos) { let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target.prototype, key); if (descriptor) { const el = descriptor.value; if (el !== target && typeof el === 'object') { c_routes.push({ method: el.method, path: path + el.path, handlers: el.handlers }); } } } target.prototype.c_routes = c_routes; return void 0; }}