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Fast web framework for Deno (support native HTTP/2 Hyper and std/http).
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import { HttpRequest, HttpResponse, TBody } from './types.ts';
const JSON_TYPE_CHARSET = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
export default function respond(req: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse) { res.return = []; res.locals = {}; res.opts = {}; res.header = function (key?: { [k: string]: any } | string, value?: any) { if (typeof key === 'object' && value === void 0) { if (key instanceof Headers) { this.opts.headers = key; } else { if (this.opts.headers) { for (const k in key) { this.opts.headers.set(k, key[k]); } } else { this.opts.headers = new Headers(key); } } return this; } if (typeof key === 'string' && value === void 0) { return (this.opts.headers ? this.opts.headers.get(key) : null) as HttpResponse & string; } if (typeof key === 'string' && value !== void 0) { this.opts.headers = this.opts.headers || new Headers(); this.opts.headers.set(key as string, value); return this; } return (this.opts.headers || new Headers()) as HttpResponse & Headers; }; res.type = (value: string) => res.header("Content-Type", value) as HttpResponse; res.status = function (code?: number) { if (code) { this.opts.status = code; return this; } return (this.opts.status || 200) as HttpResponse & number; }; req.pond = function (body?: TBody | { [k: string]: any } | null, opts = res.opts) { if (res.return.length) { let len = res.return.length, i = 0, ret; while (i < len) { if (res.return[i](body)) { ret = res.return[i](body); break; } i++; } if (ret) return this.respond({ body: ret, ...opts }); } if (typeof body === 'object') { if (body instanceof Uint8Array || typeof (body as Deno.Reader).read === 'function') { return this.respond({ body: body as TBody, ...opts }); } body = JSON.stringify(body); opts.headers = opts.headers || new Headers(); opts.headers.set("Content-Type", JSON_TYPE_CHARSET); } return this.respond({ body, ...opts }); }; req.getBaseUrl = function () { if (req.__url) return new URL(req.__url).origin; let host = req.headers.get("host"); let proto = (req.headers.get("X-Forwarded-Proto") || req.headers.get("X-Forwarded-Protocol") || (this.isSecure ? 'https' : 'http')) + '://'; return proto + host; }; res.body = (body?: TBody | { [k: string]: any } | null) => req.pond(body, res.opts);}