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React SSR & hydrate library on Deno.
// @deno-types=""import React from ''// @deno-types=""import { Application, Router } from ''import { join, fromFileUrl } from ''import { Renderer, createRenderer } from './renderer.tsx'import { getQuery } from ''
type Option = { port?: number}
type Dependencies = { application?: Application router?: Router renderer?: Renderer}
export class DexrApp { readonly #application: Application readonly #router: Router #renderer: Renderer = createRenderer() #isStart: boolean = false #compiledModule: Map<string, string> = new Map()
constructor(dependencies?: Dependencies) { this.#application = dependencies?.application ?? new Application() this.#router = dependencies?.router ?? new Router() }
useRenderer(layout: Renderer): this { this.#renderer = layout return this }
async addPage(route: string, componentPath: string): Promise<void> async addPage<T extends {}, U extends {}, P extends {}>(route: string, componentPath: string, renderProps?: (params: T, query: U) => Promise<P>): Promise<void> async addPage<T extends {}, U extends {}, P extends {}>(route: string, componentPath: string, renderProps?: (params: T, query: U) => Promise<P>) { const fullPath = join(Deno.cwd(), componentPath) const App = (await import(`file://${ fullPath }`)).default
const [, script] = await Deno.compile(fullPath) Object.entries(script).forEach(([key, source]) => { const filePath = fromFileUrl(key).replace(Deno.cwd(), '') this.#compiledModule.set(filePath, source) })
this.#router.get(route, async (context) => { context.response.headers = new Headers({ 'content-type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', }) const query = getQuery(context, { mergeParams: false }) as U const appProps = renderProps ? await renderProps(context.params as T, query) : undefined context.response.body = this.#renderer.render(App, componentPath, appProps) }) }
async run(option?: Option) { if (this.#isStart) throw new Error('Dexr is already run!!!')
// sync deno's import/client import for (const [key, source] of this.#compiledModule.entries()) { if (!key.includes('')) { this.#router.get(key.replace('.js', '.tsx'), (context) => { context.response.headers = new Headers({ 'content-type': 'text/javascript; charset=UTF-8', }) context.response.body = source }) this.#router.get(key.replace('.js', '.ts'), (context) => { context.response.headers = new Headers({ 'content-type': 'text/javascript; charset=UTF-8', }) context.response.body = source }) } }
const { port = 8000, } = option || {}
this.#application.use(this.#router.routes()) this.#application.listen({ port }) this.#isStart = true console.log(`serve: http://localhost:${ port }/`) }}
export const createDexr = () => new DexrApp()