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The Preact Framework for Deno
import { brotliEncode, emitFiles, fs, gzipEncode, OutputChunk, OutputOptions, path, persistSourceMaps, pluginTerserTransform, pooledMap, rollup, RollupBuild, RollupCache, RollupOptions, useCache,} from "../deps/mod.ts";import { dextPlugin } from "./plugins/dext.ts";import type { Pages } from "./util.ts";
export interface BundleStats { framework: FileSize; routes: BundleStatsRoute[]; shared: Record<string, FileSize>;}
export interface BundleStatsRoute { firstLoad: FileSize; size: FileSize; route: string; hasGetStaticData: boolean;}
export interface FileSize { raw: number; gzip: number; brotli: number;}
export async function bundle( pages: Pages, options: { rootDir: string; outDir: string; tsconfigPath: string; cache?: RollupCache; typecheck: boolean; minify: boolean; prerender: boolean; hotRefresh: boolean; hotRefreshHost?: string; debug: boolean; },): Promise<{ cache: RollupCache | undefined; stats: BundleStats | undefined }> { const outputOptions: OutputOptions = { dir: options.outDir, format: "es", sourcemap: true, compact: true, chunkFileNames: "static/[name]-[hash].js", assetFileNames: "assets/[name]-[hash][extname]", };
const tsconfig = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(options.tsconfigPath));
const rollupOptions: RollupOptions = { input: [], plugins: [ dextPlugin(pages, { tsconfigPath: options.tsconfigPath, hotRefresh: options.hotRefresh, hotRefreshHost: options.hotRefreshHost, typecheck: options.typecheck, prerender: options.prerender, debug: options.debug, }), ...useCache(tsconfig), ...(options.minify ? [ pluginTerserTransform({ module: true, compress: true, mangle: true, }), ] : []), ], output: outputOptions, preserveEntrySignatures: false, cache: options.cache, };
const outDir = outputOptions.dir!;
try { await Deno.remove(outDir, { recursive: true }); } catch (err) { if (!(err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) throw err; }
const build = (await rollup(rollupOptions)) as RollupBuild; const generated = await persistSourceMaps(build.generate, outputOptions);
const publicDir = path.join(options.rootDir, "public"); if (await fs.exists(publicDir)) { await fs.copy(publicDir, outDir); } else { await Deno.mkdir(outDir, { recursive: true }); } await emitFiles(generated, outDir);
let stats: BundleStats | undefined = undefined;
// In production emit .br and .gz files if (options.minify) { const fileStats: Record<string, FileSize> = {};
const res = pooledMap( 50, fs.walk(outDir, { followSymlinks: false, includeDirs: false, }), async (entry) => { const path = entry.path; if (path.endsWith(".br") || path.endsWith(".gz")) return; const file = await Deno.readFile(path); const gz = gzipEncode(file); await Deno.writeFile(path + ".gz", gz); const br = brotliEncode(file, undefined, 11); await Deno.writeFile(path + ".br", br); fileStats[path.slice(outDir.length).replaceAll("\\", "/")] = { raw: file.length, gzip: gz.length, brotli: br.length, }; }, );
for await (const _ of res) { // wait for all files to be processed }
const routes: BundleStatsRoute[] = []; const shared: Record<string, FileSize> = {};
const chunks = generated.output.filter( (d) => d.type === "chunk", ) as OutputChunk[];
for (const out of chunks) { const filename = `/${out.fileName}`; if ( out.facadeModuleId && out.facadeModuleId.startsWith("dext-page:///") ) { const page = pages.pages.find( (p) => p.path === out.facadeModuleId!.substring("dext-page:///".length), )!; const imports = [ ...flattenImports(chunks, out.fileName), ...out.implicitlyLoadedBefore, ]; const firstLoad = { ...fileStats[filename] }; for (const fileName of imports) { const stats = fileStats[`/${fileName}`]; firstLoad.raw += stats.raw; firstLoad.gzip += stats.gzip; firstLoad.brotli += stats.brotli; }
routes.push({ route: page.route, size: fileStats[filename], firstLoad, hasGetStaticData: page.hasGetStaticData, }); } else if (out.facadeModuleId === "dext:///main.js") { shared[filename] = fileStats[filename]; const imports = flattenImports(chunks, out.fileName); for (const fileName of imports) { const filename = `/${fileName}`; shared[filename] = fileStats[filename]; } } }
const framework: FileSize = { raw: 0, gzip: 0, brotli: 0 }; for (const filename in shared) { const stats = fileStats[filename]; framework.raw += stats.raw; framework.gzip += stats.gzip; framework.brotli += stats.brotli; }
stats = { routes: routes.sort((a, b) => a.route > b.route ? 1 : b.route > a.route ? -1 : 0 ), shared, framework, }; }
return { cache: build.cache, stats };}
function flattenImports( chunks: OutputChunk[], fileName: string, visited: string[] = [],): string[] { const chunk = chunks.find((chunk) => (chunk.fileName = fileName)); if (!chunk) throw new Error("Failed to find chunk " + fileName); return [ Set( chunk.imports.flatMap((fileName) => { if (visited.includes(fileName)) return []; visited.push(fileName); return [fileName, ...flattenImports(chunks, fileName, visited)]; }), ), ];}