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a deno Firestore client 🦕
export interface TransactionOptions { readOnly?: { readTime: string; }; readWrite?: { retryTransaction: string; };}
export interface LatLng { latitude: number; longitude: number;}
export type ArrayValue = { values: Partial<Value>[];};
export type MapValue = { fields: { [key: string]: Partial<Value>; };};
export type Value = { nullValue: null; booleanValue: boolean; integerValue: string; doubleValue: number; timestampValue: string | Date; stringValue: string; bytesValue: string; referenceValue: string; geoPointValue: LatLng; arrayValue: ArrayValue; mapValue: MapValue;};
export type FieldTransform = { fieldPath?: string; setToServerValue?: ServerValue; increment?: Value; maximum?: Value; minimum?: Value; appendMissingElements?: ArrayValue; removeAllFromArray?: ArrayValue;};
export type Precondition = { exists: boolean; updateTime: string;};
export interface Document { name: string; fields: { [key: string]: Partial<Value>; }; createTime: string; updateTime: string;}
export interface DocumentTransform { document: string; fieldTransforms: FieldTransform[];}
export interface Write { updateMask: { fieldPaths: string[]; }; updateTransforms: FieldTransform[]; currentDocument: Precondition; update: Document; delete: string; transform: DocumentTransform;}
export interface FireRequest { collection?: string; id?: string; value?: { [key: string]: Partial<Value>; };}
export interface FetchRequest extends Partial<Request> { url: string; database?: string; authorization?: string | boolean; reqBody?: Record<string, unknown>; project?: string; pageSize?: number; pageToken?: string; orderBy?: string; showMissing?: boolean; mask?: { fieldPaths: string[]; }; transaction?: string; options?: TransactionOptions; writes?: Write[];}
export type FireError = { code: number; status: string;};
export interface FireResponse { documents: Document[]; fields: MapValue["fields"]; error?: FireError; id?: string;}
export interface RequestInterface extends FireRequest, Partial<FetchRequest> {}
export type FireMethods = | "createDocument" | "rollback" | "updateDocument" | "moveDocuments" | "getDocument" | "commitTransaction" | "deleteDocument" | "beginTransaction";
export interface FireEvents { log: Exclude<Partial<FetchRequest>, "outputUriPrefix">; event: FireMethods;}
export type GetDocument = Pick< RequestInterface, | "authorization" | "collection" | "id" | "project" | "value" | "showMissing" | "mask" | "pageSize" | "pageToken" | "orderBy">;
export type DeleteDocument = Pick< RequestInterface, "authorization" | "collection" | "id" | "project">;
export type CreateDocument = Partial< Pick< RequestInterface, "authorization" | "collection" | "id" | "project" | "value" >>;
export type UpdateDocument = Pick< RequestInterface, "authorization" | "collection" | "id" | "value" | "project">;
export type BeginTransaction = Pick< RequestInterface, "authorization" | "options" | "project">;
export type CommitTransaction = Pick< RequestInterface, "authorization" | "options" | "project" | "writes" | "transaction">;
export type ImportExport = { /* Which collection ids to export. Unspecified means all collections. */ collectionIds?: string[]; /* * The output URI. Currently only supports Google Cloud Storage URIs of the * form: gs://BUCKET_NAME[/NAMESPACE_PATH], where BUCKET_NAME is the name of the * Google Cloud Storage bucket and NAMESPACE_PATH * is an optional Google Cloud Storage namespace path. */ outputUriPrefix?: string;};
export type MoveDocuments = Pick<RequestInterface, "authorization"> & ImportExport & { project?: RequestInterface["project"]; type?: "import" | "export"; };
export interface RollBack { transaction?: string; authorization?: RequestInterface["authorization"];}
export type ListParams = { size?: string; page?: string; order?: string; fields?: string; missing?: string;};
export type Arguements = | BeginTransaction | RollBack | MoveDocuments | ImportExport | CommitTransaction | BeginTransaction | UpdateDocument | CreateDocument | DeleteDocument | GetDocument;