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Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version
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import type { APIRole, APIUser } from '../mod.ts';import type { Permissions, Snowflake } from '../../../globals.ts';import type { APIPartialChannel } from '../channel.ts';import type { APIGuildMember } from '../guild.ts';import type { APIBaseInteraction, APIDMInteractionWrapper, APIGuildInteractionWrapper } from './base.ts';import type { InteractionType } from './responses.ts';
/** * */export interface APIApplicationCommand { /** * Unique id of the command */ id: Snowflake; /** * Unique id of the parent application */ application_id: Snowflake; /** * Guild id of the command, if not global */ guild_id?: Snowflake; /** * 1-32 character name matching `^[\w-]{1,32}$` */ name: string; /** * 1-100 character description */ description: string; /** * The parameters for the command */ options?: APIApplicationCommandOption[]; /** * Whether the command is enabled by default when the app is added to a guild * * If missing, this property should be assumed as `true` */ default_permission?: boolean;}
interface APIApplicationCommandOptionBase { type: | ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean | ApplicationCommandOptionType.User | ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel | ApplicationCommandOptionType.Role | ApplicationCommandOptionType.Mentionable; name: string; description: string; default?: boolean; required?: boolean;}
/** * */export type APIApplicationCommandOption = | APIApplicationCommandArgumentOptions | APIApplicationCommandSubCommandOptions | APIApplicationCommandOptionBase;
/** * This type is exported as a way to make it stricter for you when you're writing your commands * * If the option is a `SUB_COMMAND` or `SUB_COMMAND_GROUP` type, this nested options will be the parameters */export interface APIApplicationCommandSubCommandOptions extends Omit<APIApplicationCommandOptionBase, 'type'> { type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubCommand | ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubCommandGroup; options?: APIApplicationCommandOption[];}
/** * This type is exported as a way to make it stricter for you when you're writing your commands * * In contrast to `APIApplicationCommandSubCommandOptions`, these types cannot have an `options` array, * but they can have a `choices` one */export interface APIApplicationCommandArgumentOptions extends Omit<APIApplicationCommandOptionBase, 'type'> { type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String | ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer; choices?: APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice[];}
/** * */export enum ApplicationCommandOptionType { SubCommand = 1, SubCommandGroup, String, Integer, Boolean, User, Channel, Role, Mentionable,}
/** * */export interface APIApplicationCommandOptionChoice { name: string; value: string | number;}
/** * */export interface APIApplicationCommandInteractionData { id: Snowflake; name: string; options?: APIApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption[]; resolved?: { users?: Record<Snowflake, APIUser>; roles?: Record<Snowflake, APIRole>; members?: Record<Snowflake, APIInteractionDataResolvedGuildMember>; channels?: Record<Snowflake, APIInteractionDataResolvedChannel>; };}
/** * */export interface APIInteractionDataResolvedChannel extends Required<APIPartialChannel> { permissions: Permissions;}
/** * */export interface APIInteractionDataResolvedGuildMember extends Omit<APIGuildMember, 'user' | 'deaf' | 'mute'> { permissions: Permissions;}
/** * */export type APIApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption = | ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionSubCommand | ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionSubCommandGroup | APIApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionWithValues;
export interface ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionSubCommand { name: string; type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubCommand; options: APIApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionWithValues[];}
export interface ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionSubCommandGroup { name: string; type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubCommandGroup; options: ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionSubCommand[];}
export type APIApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionWithValues = | ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionString | ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionRole | ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionChannel | ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionUser | ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionMentionable | ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionInteger | ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionBoolean;
export type ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionString = InteractionDataOptionBase< ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, string>;
export type ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionRole = InteractionDataOptionBase< ApplicationCommandOptionType.Role, Snowflake>;
export type ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionChannel = InteractionDataOptionBase< ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel, Snowflake>;
export type ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionUser = InteractionDataOptionBase< ApplicationCommandOptionType.User, Snowflake>;
export type ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionMentionable = InteractionDataOptionBase< ApplicationCommandOptionType.Mentionable, Snowflake>;
export type ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionInteger = InteractionDataOptionBase< ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer, number>;
export type ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionBoolean = InteractionDataOptionBase< ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean, boolean>;
interface InteractionDataOptionBase<T extends ApplicationCommandOptionType, D = unknown> { name: string; type: T; value: D;}
/** * */export interface APIGuildApplicationCommandPermissions { /** * The id of the command */ id: Snowflake; /** * The id of the application the command belongs to */ application_id: Snowflake; /** * The id of the guild */ guild_id: Snowflake; /** * The permissions for the command in the guild */ permissions: APIApplicationCommandPermission[];}
/** * */export interface APIApplicationCommandPermission { /** * The id of the role or user */ id: Snowflake; /** * Role or user */ type: ApplicationCommandPermissionType; /** * `true` to allow, `false`, to disallow */ permission: boolean;}
/** * */export enum ApplicationCommandPermissionType { Role = 1, User,}
export type APIApplicationCommandInteraction = APIBaseInteraction< InteractionType.ApplicationCommand, APIApplicationCommandInteractionData> & Required< Pick< APIBaseInteraction<InteractionType.ApplicationCommand, APIApplicationCommandInteractionData>, 'channel_id' | 'data' > >;
export type APIApplicationCommandDMInteraction = APIDMInteractionWrapper<APIApplicationCommandInteraction>;
export type APIApplicationCommandGuildInteraction = APIGuildInteractionWrapper<APIApplicationCommandInteraction>;