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Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version
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import { APIApplicationCommandDMInteraction, APIApplicationCommandGuildInteraction, APIApplicationCommandInteraction, APIButtonComponent, APIButtonComponentWithCustomId, APIButtonComponentWithURL, APIDMInteraction, APIGuildInteraction, APIInteraction, APIMessageComponentDMInteraction, APIMessageComponentGuildInteraction, APIMessageComponentInteraction, ButtonStyle,} from '../payloads/v8/mod.ts';
// Interactions
/** * A type-guard check for DM interactions * @param interaction The interaction to check against * @returns A boolean that indicates if the interaction was received in a DM channel */export function isDMInteraction(interaction: APIInteraction): interaction is APIDMInteraction { return Reflect.has(interaction, 'user');}
/** * A type-guard check for guild interactions * @param interaction The interaction to check against * @returns A boolean that indicates if the interaction was received in a guild */export function isGuildInteraction(interaction: APIInteraction): interaction is APIGuildInteraction { return Reflect.has(interaction, 'guild_id');}
// ApplicationCommandInteractions
/** * A type-guard check for DM application command interactions * @param interaction The application command interaction to check against * @returns A boolean that indicates if the application command interaction was received in a DM channel */export function isApplicationCommandDMInteraction( interaction: APIApplicationCommandInteraction,): interaction is APIApplicationCommandDMInteraction { return isDMInteraction(interaction);}
/** * A type-guard check for guild application command interactions * @param interaction The interaction to check against * @returns A boolean that indicates if the application command interaction was received in a guild */export function isApplicationCommandGuildInteraction( interaction: APIApplicationCommandInteraction,): interaction is APIApplicationCommandGuildInteraction { return isGuildInteraction(interaction);}
// MessageComponentInteractions
/** * A type-guard check for DM message component interactions * @param interaction The message component interaction to check against * @returns A boolean that indicates if the message component interaction was received in a DM channel */export function isMessageComponentDMInteraction( interaction: APIMessageComponentInteraction,): interaction is APIMessageComponentDMInteraction { return isDMInteraction(interaction);}
/** * A type-guard check for guild message component interactions * @param interaction The interaction to check against * @returns A boolean that indicates if the message component interaction was received in a guild */export function isMessageComponentGuildInteraction( interaction: APIMessageComponentInteraction,): interaction is APIMessageComponentGuildInteraction { return isGuildInteraction(interaction);}
// Buttons
/** * A type-guard check for buttons that have a `url` attached to them. * @param component The button to check against * @returns A boolean that indicates if the button has a `url` attached to it */export function isLinkButton(component: APIButtonComponent): component is APIButtonComponentWithURL { return === ButtonStyle.Link;}
/** * A type-guard check for buttons that have a `custom_id` attached to them. * @param button The button to check against * @returns A boolean that indicates if the button has a `custom_id` attached to it */export function isInteractionButton(component: APIButtonComponent): component is APIButtonComponentWithCustomId { return !== ButtonStyle.Link;}