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Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version
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/** * Types extracted from */
import type { APIChannel, APIOverwrite } from './channel.ts';import type { APIGuildIntegration, GuildDefaultMessageNotifications, GuildExplicitContentFilter, GuildMFALevel, GuildVerificationLevel, IntegrationExpireBehavior,} from './guild.ts';import type { APIGuildScheduledEvent, GuildScheduledEventEntityType, GuildScheduledEventStatus,} from './guildScheduledEvent.ts';import type { APIApplicationCommand } from './interactions.ts';import type { APIRole } from './permissions.ts';import type { StageInstancePrivacyLevel } from './stageInstance.ts';import type { StickerFormatType } from './sticker.ts';import type { APIUser } from './user.ts';import type { APIWebhook } from './webhook.ts';import type { Snowflake } from '../../globals.ts';
/** * */export interface APIAuditLog { /** * List of application commands found in the audit log * * See */ application_commands: APIApplicationCommand[]; /** * Webhooks found in the audit log * * See */ webhooks: APIWebhook[]; /** * Users found in the audit log * * See */ users: APIUser[]; /** * Audit log entries * * See */ audit_log_entries: APIAuditLogEntry[]; /** * Partial integration objects * * See */ integrations: APIGuildIntegration[]; /** * Threads found in the audit log * * Threads referenced in THREAD_CREATE and THREAD_UPDATE events are included in the threads map, since archived threads might not be kept in memory by clients. * * See */ threads: APIChannel[]; /** * The guild scheduled events in the audit log * * See */ guild_scheduled_events: APIGuildScheduledEvent[];}
/** * */export interface APIAuditLogEntry { /** * ID of the affected entity (webhook, user, role, etc.) */ target_id: string | null; /** * Changes made to the `target_id` * * See */ changes?: APIAuditLogChange[]; /** * The user who made the changes * * This can be `null` in some cases (webhooks deleting themselves by using their own token, for example) */ user_id: Snowflake | null; /** * ID of the entry */ id: Snowflake; /** * Type of action that occurred * * See */ action_type: AuditLogEvent; /** * Additional info for certain action types * * See */ options?: APIAuditLogOptions; /** * The reason for the change (0-512 characters) */ reason?: string;}
/** * */export enum AuditLogEvent { GuildUpdate = 1,
ChannelCreate = 10, ChannelUpdate, ChannelDelete, ChannelOverwriteCreate, ChannelOverwriteUpdate, ChannelOverwriteDelete,
MemberKick = 20, MemberPrune, MemberBanAdd, MemberBanRemove, MemberUpdate, MemberRoleUpdate, MemberMove, MemberDisconnect, BotAdd,
RoleCreate = 30, RoleUpdate, RoleDelete,
InviteCreate = 40, InviteUpdate, InviteDelete,
WebhookCreate = 50, WebhookUpdate, WebhookDelete,
EmojiCreate = 60, EmojiUpdate, EmojiDelete,
MessageDelete = 72, MessageBulkDelete, MessagePin, MessageUnpin,
IntegrationCreate = 80, IntegrationUpdate, IntegrationDelete, StageInstanceCreate, StageInstanceUpdate, StageInstanceDelete,
StickerCreate = 90, StickerUpdate, StickerDelete,
GuildScheduledEventCreate = 100, GuildScheduledEventUpdate, GuildScheduledEventDelete,
ThreadCreate = 110, ThreadUpdate, ThreadDelete,
ApplicationCommandPermissionUpdate = 121,}
/** * */export interface APIAuditLogOptions { /** * Number of days after which inactive members were kicked * * Present from: * - MEMBER_PRUNE */ delete_member_days?: string; /** * Number of members removed by the prune * * Present from: * - MEMBER_PRUNE */ members_removed?: string;
/** * Channel in which the entities were targeted * * Present from: * - MEMBER_MOVE * - MESSAGE_PIN * - MESSAGE_UNPIN * - MESSAGE_DELETE * - STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE * - STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE * - STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE */ channel_id?: Snowflake;
/** * ID of the message that was targeted * * Present from: * - MESSAGE_PIN * - MESSAGE_UNPIN */ message_id?: Snowflake;
/** * Number of entities that were targeted * * Present from: * - MESSAGE_DELETE * - MESSAGE_BULK_DELETE * - MEMBER_DISCONNECT * - MEMBER_MOVE */ count?: string;
/** * ID of the overwritten entity * * Present from: * - CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_CREATE * - CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_UPDATE * - CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_DELETE */ id?: Snowflake;
/** * Type of overwritten entity - "0" for "role" or "1" for "member" * * Present from: * - CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_CREATE * - CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_UPDATE * - CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_DELETE * * {@link AuditLogOptionsType} */ type?: AuditLogOptionsType;
/** * Name of the role * * Present from: * - CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_CREATE * - CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_UPDATE * - CHANNEL_OVERWRITE_DELETE * * **Present only if the {@link APIAuditLogOptions#type entry type} is "0"** */ role_name?: string;}
export enum AuditLogOptionsType { Role = '0', Member = '1',}
/** * */export type APIAuditLogChange = | APIAuditLogChangeKeyName | APIAuditLogChangeKeyDescription | APIAuditLogChangeKeyIconHash | APIAuditLogChangeKeyImageHash | APIAuditLogChangeKeySplashHash | APIAuditLogChangeKeyDiscoverySplashHash | APIAuditLogChangeKeyBannerHash | APIAuditLogChangeKeyOwnerId | APIAuditLogChangeKeyRegion | APIAuditLogChangeKeyPreferredLocale | APIAuditLogChangeKeyAFKChannelId | APIAuditLogChangeKeyAFKTimeout | APIAuditLogChangeKeyRulesChannelId | APIAuditLogChangeKeyPublicUpdatesChannelId | APIAuditLogChangeKeyMFALevel | APIAuditLogChangeKeyVerificationLevel | APIAuditLogChangeKeyExplicitContentFilter | APIAuditLogChangeKeyDefaultMessageNotifications | APIAuditLogChangeKeyVanityURLCode | APIAuditLogChangeKey$Add | APIAuditLogChangeKey$Remove | APIAuditLogChangeKeyPruneDeleteDays | APIAuditLogChangeKeyWidgetEnabled | APIAuditLogChangeKeyWidgetChannelId | APIAuditLogChangeKeySystemChannelId | APIAuditLogChangeKeyPosition | APIAuditLogChangeKeyTopic | APIAuditLogChangeKeyBitrate | APIAuditLogChangeKeyPermissionOverwrites | APIAuditLogChangeKeyNSFW | APIAuditLogChangeKeyApplicationId | APIAuditLogChangeKeyRateLimitPerUser | APIAuditLogChangeKeyPermissions | APIAuditLogChangeKeyColor | APIAuditLogChangeKeyHoist | APIAuditLogChangeKeyMentionable | APIAuditLogChangeKeyAllow | APIAuditLogChangeKeyDeny | APIAuditLogChangeKeyCode | APIAuditLogChangeKeyChannelId | APIAuditLogChangeKeyInviterId | APIAuditLogChangeKeyMaxUses | APIAuditLogChangeKeyUses | APIAuditLogChangeKeyMaxAge | APIAuditLogChangeKeyTemporary | APIAuditLogChangeKeyDeaf | APIAuditLogChangeKeyMute | APIAuditLogChangeKeyNick | APIAuditLogChangeKeyAvatarHash | APIAuditLogChangeKeyId | APIAuditLogChangeKeyType | APIAuditLogChangeKeyEnableEmoticons | APIAuditLogChangeKeyExpireBehavior | APIAuditLogChangeKeyExpireGracePeriod | APIAuditLogChangeKeyUserLimit | APIAuditLogChangeKeyPrivacyLevel | APIAuditLogChangeKeyTags | APIAuditLogChangeKeyFormatType | APIAuditLogChangeKeyAsset | APIAuditLogChangeKeyAvailable | APIAuditLogChangeKeyGuildId | APIAuditLogChangeKeyArchived | APIAuditLogChangeKeyLocked | APIAuditLogChangeKeyAutoArchiveDuration | APIAuditLogChangeKeyDefaultAutoArchiveDuration | APIAuditLogChangeKeyEntityType | APIAuditLogChangeKeyStatus | APIAuditLogChangeKeyLocation | APIAuditLogChangeKeyCommunicationDisabledUntil;
/** * Returned when an entity's name is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyName = AuditLogChangeData<'name', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's or sticker's or guild scheduled event's description is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyDescription = AuditLogChangeData<'description', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's icon is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyIconHash = AuditLogChangeData<'icon_hash', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's scheduled event's cover image is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyImageHash = AuditLogChangeData<'image_hash', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's splash is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeySplashHash = AuditLogChangeData<'splash_hash', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's discovery splash is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyDiscoverySplashHash = AuditLogChangeData<'discovery_splash_hash', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's banner hash is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyBannerHash = AuditLogChangeData<'banner_hash', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's owner_id is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyOwnerId = AuditLogChangeData<'owner_id', Snowflake>;
/** * Returned when a guild's region is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyRegion = AuditLogChangeData<'region', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's preferred_locale is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyPreferredLocale = AuditLogChangeData<'preferred_locale', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's afk_channel_id is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyAFKChannelId = AuditLogChangeData<'afk_channel_id', Snowflake>;
/** * Returned when a guild's afk_timeout is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyAFKTimeout = AuditLogChangeData<'afk_timeout', number>;
/** * Returned when a guild's rules_channel_id is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyRulesChannelId = AuditLogChangeData<'rules_channel_id', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's public_updates_channel_id is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyPublicUpdatesChannelId = AuditLogChangeData<'public_updates_channel_id', string>;
/** * Returned when a guild's mfa_level is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyMFALevel = AuditLogChangeData<'mfa_level', GuildMFALevel>;
/** * Returned when a guild's verification_level is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyVerificationLevel = AuditLogChangeData<'verification_level', GuildVerificationLevel>;
/** * Returned when a guild's explicit_content_filter is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyExplicitContentFilter = AuditLogChangeData< 'explicit_content_filter', GuildExplicitContentFilter>;
/** * Returned when a guild's default_message_notifications is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyDefaultMessageNotifications = AuditLogChangeData< 'default_message_notifications', GuildDefaultMessageNotifications>;
/** * Returned when a guild's vanity_url_code is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyVanityURLCode = AuditLogChangeData<'vanity_url_code', string>;
/** * Returned when new role(s) are added */export type APIAuditLogChangeKey$Add = AuditLogChangeData<'$add', APIRole[]>;
/** * Returned when role(s) are removed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKey$Remove = AuditLogChangeData<'$remove', APIRole[]>;
/** * Returned when there is a change in number of days after which inactive and role-unassigned members are kicked */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyPruneDeleteDays = AuditLogChangeData<'prune_delete_days', number>;
/** * Returned when a guild's widget is enabled */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyWidgetEnabled = AuditLogChangeData<'widget_enabled', boolean>;
/** * Returned when a guild's widget_channel_id is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyWidgetChannelId = AuditLogChangeData<'widget_channel_id', Snowflake>;
/** * Returned when a guild's system_channel_id is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeySystemChannelId = AuditLogChangeData<'system_channel_id', Snowflake>;
/** * Returned when a channel's position is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyPosition = AuditLogChangeData<'position', number>;
/** * Returned when a channel's topic is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyTopic = AuditLogChangeData<'topic', string>;
/** * Returned when a voice channel's bitrate is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyBitrate = AuditLogChangeData<'bitrate', number>;
/** * Returned when a channel's permission overwrites is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyPermissionOverwrites = AuditLogChangeData<'permission_overwrites', APIOverwrite[]>;
/** * Returned when a channel's NSFW restriction is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyNSFW = AuditLogChangeData<'nsfw', boolean>;
/** * The application ID of the added or removed Webhook or Bot */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyApplicationId = AuditLogChangeData<'application_id', Snowflake>;
/** * Returned when a channel's amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message * is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyRateLimitPerUser = AuditLogChangeData<'rate_limit_per_user', number>;
/** * Returned when a permission bitfield is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyPermissions = AuditLogChangeData<'permissions', string>;
/** * Returned when a role's color is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyColor = AuditLogChangeData<'color', number>;
/** * Represents a change where the key is a snowflake. * Currently, the only known instance of this is returned when permissions for a command were updated (<insert name of object here>) */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeySnowflake = AuditLogChangeData<Snowflake, unknown>;
/** * Returned when a role's hoist status is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyHoist = AuditLogChangeData<'hoist', boolean>;
/** * Returned when a role's mentionable status is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyMentionable = AuditLogChangeData<'mentionable', boolean>;
/** * Returned when an overwrite's allowed permissions bitfield is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyAllow = AuditLogChangeData<'allow', string>;
/** * Returned when an overwrite's denied permissions bitfield is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyDeny = AuditLogChangeData<'deny', string>;
/** * Returned when an invite's code is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyCode = AuditLogChangeData<'code', string>;
/** * Returned when an invite's or guild scheduled event's channel_id is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyChannelId = AuditLogChangeData<'channel_id', Snowflake>;
/** * Returned when an invite's inviter_id is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyInviterId = AuditLogChangeData<'inviter_id', Snowflake>;
/** * Returned when an invite's max_uses is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyMaxUses = AuditLogChangeData<'max_uses', number>;
/** * Returned when an invite's uses is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyUses = AuditLogChangeData<'uses', number>;
/** * Returned when an invite's max_age is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyMaxAge = AuditLogChangeData<'max_age', number>;
/** * Returned when an invite's temporary status is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyTemporary = AuditLogChangeData<'temporary', boolean>;
/** * Returned when a user's deaf status is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyDeaf = AuditLogChangeData<'deaf', boolean>;
/** * Returned when a user's mute status is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyMute = AuditLogChangeData<'mute', boolean>;
/** * Returned when a user's nick is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyNick = AuditLogChangeData<'nick', string>;
/** * Returned when a user's avatar_hash is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyAvatarHash = AuditLogChangeData<'avatar_hash', string>;
/** * The ID of the changed entity - sometimes used in conjunction with other keys */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyId = AuditLogChangeData<'id', Snowflake>;
/** * The type of entity created */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyType = AuditLogChangeData<'type', number | string>;
/** * Returned when an integration's enable_emoticons is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyEnableEmoticons = AuditLogChangeData<'enable_emoticons', boolean>;
/** * Returned when an integration's expire_behavior is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyExpireBehavior = AuditLogChangeData<'expire_behavior', IntegrationExpireBehavior>;
/** * Returned when an integration's expire_grace_period is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyExpireGracePeriod = AuditLogChangeData<'expire_grace_period', number>;
/** * Returned when a voice channel's user_limit is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyUserLimit = AuditLogChangeData<'user_limit', number>;
/** * Returned when privacy level of a stage instance or guild scheduled event is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyPrivacyLevel = AuditLogChangeData<'privacy_level', StageInstancePrivacyLevel>;
/** * Returned when a sticker's related emoji is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyTags = AuditLogChangeData<'tags', string>;
/** * Returned when a sticker's format_type is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyFormatType = AuditLogChangeData<'format_type', StickerFormatType>;
/** * Empty string */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyAsset = AuditLogChangeData<'asset', ''>;
/** * Returned when a sticker's availability is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyAvailable = AuditLogChangeData<'available', boolean>;
/** * Returned when a sticker's guild_id is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyGuildId = AuditLogChangeData<'guild_id', Snowflake>;
/* * Returned when a thread's archive status is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyArchived = AuditLogChangeData<'archived', boolean>;
/* * Returned when a thread's lock status is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyLocked = AuditLogChangeData<'locked', boolean>;
/* * Returned when a thread's auto archive duration is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyAutoArchiveDuration = AuditLogChangeData<'auto_archive_duration', number>;
/* * Returned when a channel's default auto archive duration for newly created threads is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyDefaultAutoArchiveDuration = AuditLogChangeData< 'default_auto_archive_duration', number>;
/** * Returned when entity type of a guild scheduled event is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyEntityType = AuditLogChangeData<'entity_type', GuildScheduledEventEntityType>;
/** * Returned when status of a guild scheduled event is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyStatus = AuditLogChangeData<'status', GuildScheduledEventStatus>;
/** * Returned when location of a guild scheduled event is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyLocation = AuditLogChangeData<'location', string>;
/** * Returned when a user's timeout is changed */export type APIAuditLogChangeKeyCommunicationDisabledUntil = AuditLogChangeData<'communication_disabled_until', string>;
interface AuditLogChangeData<K extends string, D> { key: K; /** * The new value * * If `new_value` is not present in the change object, while `old_value` is, * that means the property that was changed has been reset, or set to `null` */ new_value?: D; old_value?: D;}