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Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version
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import type { Snowflake } from '../../globals.ts';
export * from '../common.ts';
export * from './auditLog.ts';export * from './channel.ts';export * from './emoji.ts';export * from './gateway.ts';export * from './guild.ts';export * from './guildScheduledEvent.ts';export * from './interactions.ts';export * from './invite.ts';export * from './oauth2.ts';export * from './stageInstance.ts';export * from './sticker.ts';export * from './template.ts';export * from './user.ts';export * from './voice.ts';export * from './webhook.ts';
export const APIVersion = '8';
export const Routes = { /** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/audit-logs` */ guildAuditLog(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/audit-logs` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/channels/{}` * - PATCH `/channels/{}` * - DELETE `/channels/{}` */ channel(channelId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/channels/{}/messages` * - POST `/channels/{}/messages` */ channelMessages(channelId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/messages` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/channels/{}/messages/{}` * - PATCH `/channels/{}/messages/{}` * - DELETE `/channels/{}/messages/{}` */ channelMessage(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/messages/${messageId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/channels/{}/messages/{}/crosspost` */ channelMessageCrosspost(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/messages/${messageId}/crosspost` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - PUT `/channels/{}/messages/{}/reactions/{emoji}/@me` * - DELETE `/channels/{}/messages/{}/reactions/{emoji}/@me` * * **Note**: You need to URL encode the emoji yourself */ channelMessageOwnReaction(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake, emoji: string) { return `/channels/${channelId}/messages/${messageId}/reactions/${emoji}/@me` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - DELETE `/channels/{}/messages/{}/reactions/{emoji}/{}` * * **Note**: You need to URL encode the emoji yourself */ channelMessageUserReaction(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake, emoji: string, userId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/messages/${messageId}/reactions/${emoji}/${userId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/channels/{}/messages/{}/reactions/{emoji}` * - DELETE `/channels/{}/messages/{}/reactions/{emoji}` * * **Note**: You need to URL encode the emoji yourself */ channelMessageReaction(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake, emoji: string) { return `/channels/${channelId}/messages/${messageId}/reactions/${emoji}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - DELETE `/channels/{}/messages/{}/reactions` */ channelMessageAllReactions(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/messages/${messageId}/reactions` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/channels/{}/messages/bulk-delete` */ channelBulkDelete(channelId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/messages/bulk-delete` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - PUT `/channels/{}/permissions/{}` * - DELETE `/channels/{}/permissions/{}` */ channelPermission(channelId: Snowflake, overwriteId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/permissions/${overwriteId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/channels/{}/invites` * - POST `/channels/{}/invites` */ channelInvites(channelId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/invites` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/channels/{}/followers` */ channelFollowers(channelId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/followers` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/channels/{}/typing` */ channelTyping(channelId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/typing` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/channels/{}/pins` */ channelPins(channelId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/pins` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - PUT `/channels/{}/pins/{}` * - DELETE `/channels/{}/pins/{}` */ channelPin(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/pins/${messageId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - PUT `/channels/{}/recipients/{}` * - DELETE `/channels/{}/recipients/{}` */ channelRecipient(channelId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/recipients/${userId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/emojis` * - POST `/guilds/{}/emojis` */ guildEmojis(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/emojis` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/emojis/{}` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/emojis/{}` * - DELETE `/guilds/{}/emojis/{}` */ guildEmoji(guildId: Snowflake, emojiId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/emojis/${emojiId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/guilds` */ guilds() { return '/guilds' as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}` * - DELETE `/guilds/{}` */ guild(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/preview` */ guildPreview(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/preview` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/channels` * - POST `/guilds/{}/channels` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/channels` */ guildChannels(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/channels` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/members/{}` * - PUT `/guilds/{}/members/{}` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/members/@me` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/members/{}` * - DELETE `/guilds/{}/members/{}` */ guildMember(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake | '@me' = '@me') { return `/guilds/${guildId}/members/${userId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/members` */ guildMembers(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/members` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/members/search` */ guildMembersSearch(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/members/search` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/members/@me/nick` * @deprecated Use {@link Routes.guildMember} instead. */ guildCurrentMemberNickname(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/members/@me/nick` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - PUT `/guilds/{}/members/{}/roles/{}` * - DELETE `/guilds/{}/members/{}/roles/{}` */ guildMemberRole(guildId: Snowflake, memberId: Snowflake, roleId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/members/${memberId}/roles/${roleId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/bans` */ guildBans(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/bans` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/bans/{}` * - PUT `/guilds/{}/bans/{}` * - DELETE `/guilds/{}/bans/{}` */ guildBan(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/bans/${userId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/roles` * - POST `/guilds/{}/roles` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/roles` */ guildRoles(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/roles` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/roles/{}` * - DELETE `/guilds/{}/roles/{}` */ guildRole(guildId: Snowflake, roleId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/roles/${roleId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/prune` * - POST `/guilds/{}/prune` */ guildPrune(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/prune` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/regions` */ guildVoiceRegions(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/regions` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/invites` */ guildInvites(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/invites` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/integrations` */ guildIntegrations(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/integrations` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - DELETE `/guilds/{}/integrations/{}` */ guildIntegration(guildId: Snowflake, integrationId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/integrations/${integrationId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/widget` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/widget` */ guildWidgetSettings(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/widget` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/widget.json` */ guildWidgetJSON(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/widget.json` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/vanity-url` */ guildVanityUrl(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/vanity-url` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/widget.png` */ guildWidgetImage(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/widget.png` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/invites/{invite.code}` * - DELETE `/invites/{invite.code}` */ invite(code: string) { return `/invites/${code}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/templates/{template.code}` * - POST `/guilds/templates/{template.code}` */ template(code: string) { return `/guilds/templates/${code}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/templates` * - POST `/guilds/{}/templates` */ guildTemplates(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/templates` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - PUT `/guilds/{}/templates/{template.code}` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/templates/{template.code}` * - DELETE `/guilds/{}/templates/{template.code}` */ guildTemplate(guildId: Snowflake, code: string) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/templates/${code}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/users/@me` * - GET `/users/{}` * - PATCH `/users/@me` * * @param [userId='@me'] The user ID, defaulted to `@me` */ user(userId: Snowflake | '@me' = '@me') { return `/users/${userId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/users/@me/guilds` */ userGuilds() { return `/users/@me/guilds` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/users/@me/guilds/{}/member` */ userGuildMember(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/users/@me/guilds/${guildId}/member` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - DELETE `/users/@me/guilds/{}` */ userGuild(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/users/@me/guilds/${guildId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/users/@me/channels` */ userChannels() { return `/users/@me/channels` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/users/@me/connections` */ userConnections() { return `/users/@me/connections` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/voice/regions` */ voiceRegions() { return `/voice/regions` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/channels/{}/webhooks` * - POST `/channels/{}/webhooks` */ channelWebhooks(channelId: Snowflake) { return `/channels/${channelId}/webhooks` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/webhooks` */ guildWebhooks(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/webhooks` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/webhooks/{}` * - GET `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}` * - PATCH `/webhooks/{}` * - PATCH `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}` * - DELETE `/webhooks/{}` * - DELETE `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}` * - POST `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}` * * - POST `/webhooks/{}/{interaction.token}` */ webhook(webhookId: Snowflake, webhookToken?: string) { const parts = ['', 'webhooks', webhookId];
if (webhookToken) parts.push(webhookToken);
return parts.join('/') as `/webhooks/${Snowflake}` | `/webhooks/${Snowflake}/${string}`; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}/messages/@original` * - GET `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}/messages/{}` * - PATCH `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}/messages/@original` * - PATCH `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}/messages/{}` * - DELETE `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}/messages/@original` * - DELETE `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}/messages/{}` * * - PATCH `/webhooks/{}/{interaction.token}/messages/@original` * - PATCH `/webhooks/{}/{interaction.token}/messages/{}` * - DELETE `/webhooks/{}/{interaction.token}/messages/{}` * * @param [messageId='@original'] The message ID to change, defaulted to `@original` */ webhookMessage(webhookId: Snowflake, webhookToken: string, messageId: Snowflake | '@original' = '@original') { return `/webhooks/${webhookId}/${webhookToken}/messages/${messageId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}/github` * - POST `/webhooks/{}/{webhook.token}/slack` */ webhookPlatform(webhookId: Snowflake, webhookToken: string, platform: 'github' | 'slack') { return `/webhooks/${webhookId}/${webhookToken}/${platform}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/gateway` */ gateway() { return `/gateway` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/gateway/bot` */ gatewayBot() { return `/gateway/bot` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/oauth2/applications/@me` */ oauth2CurrentApplication() { return `/oauth2/applications/@me` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/oauth2/@me` */ oauth2CurrentAuthorization() { return `/oauth2/@me` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/oauth2/authorize` */ oauth2Authorization() { return `/oauth2/authorize` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/oauth2/token` */ oauth2TokenExchange() { return `/oauth2/token` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/oauth2/token/revoke` */ oauth2TokenRevocation() { return `/oauth2/token/revoke` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/applications/{}/commands` * - PUT `/applications/{}/commands` * - POST `/applications/{}/commands` */ applicationCommands(applicationId: Snowflake) { return `/applications/${applicationId}/commands` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/applications/{}/commands/{}` * - PATCH `/applications/{}/commands/{}` * - DELETE `/applications/{}/commands/{}` */ applicationCommand(applicationId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake) { return `/applications/${applicationId}/commands/${commandId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/applications/{}/guilds/{}/commands` * - PUT `/applications/{}/guilds/{}/commands` * - POST `/applications/{}/guilds/{}/commands` */ applicationGuildCommands(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake) { return `/applications/${applicationId}/guilds/${guildId}/commands` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/applications/{}/guilds/{}/commands/{}` * - PATCH `/applications/{}/guilds/{}/commands/{}` * - DELETE `/applications/{}/guilds/{}/commands/{}` */ applicationGuildCommand(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake) { return `/applications/${applicationId}/guilds/${guildId}/commands/${commandId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/interactions/{}/{interaction.token}/callback` */ interactionCallback(interactionId: Snowflake, interactionToken: string) { return `/interactions/${interactionId}/${interactionToken}/callback` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/member-verification` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/member-verification` */ guildMemberVerification(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/member-verification` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/voice-states/@me` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/voice-states/{}` */ guildVoiceState(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake | '@me' = '@me') { return `/guilds/${guildId}/voice-states/${userId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/applications/{}/guilds/{}/commands/permissions` * - PUT `/applications/{}/guilds/{}/commands/permissions` */ guildApplicationCommandsPermissions(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake) { return `/applications/${applicationId}/guilds/${guildId}/commands/permissions` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/applications/{}/guilds/{}/commands/{}/permissions` * - PUT `/applications/{}/guilds/{}/commands/{}/permissions` */ applicationCommandPermissions(applicationId: Snowflake, guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake) { return `/applications/${applicationId}/guilds/${guildId}/commands/${commandId}/permissions` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/welcome-screen` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/welcome-screen` */ guildWelcomeScreen(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/welcome-screen` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - POST `/stage-instances` */ stageInstances() { return `/stage-instances` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/stage-instances/{}` * - PATCH `/stage-instances/{}` * - DELETE `/stage-instances/{}` */ stageInstance(channelId: Snowflake) { return `/stage-instances/${channelId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/stickers/{}` */ sticker(stickerId: Snowflake) { return `/stickers/${stickerId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/sticker-packs` */ nitroStickerPacks() { return '/sticker-packs' as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/stickers` * - POST `/guilds/{}/stickers` */ guildStickers(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/stickers` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/stickers/{}` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/stickers/{}` * - DELETE `/guilds/{}/stickers/{}` */ guildSticker(guildId: Snowflake, stickerId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/stickers/${stickerId}` as const; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/scheduled-events` * - POST `/guilds/{}/scheduled-events` */ guildScheduledEvents(guildId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/scheduled-events`; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/scheduled-events/{}` * - PATCH `/guilds/{}/scheduled-events/{}` * - DELETE `/guilds/{}/scheduled-events/{}` */ guildScheduledEvent(guildId: Snowflake, guildScheduledEventId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/scheduled-events/${guildScheduledEventId}`; },
/** * Route for: * - GET `/guilds/{}/scheduled-events/{}/users` */ guildScheduledEventUsers(guildId: Snowflake, guildScheduledEventId: Snowflake) { return `/guilds/${guildId}/scheduled-events/${guildScheduledEventId}/users`; },};
export const RouteBases = { api: `${APIVersion}`, cdn: '', invite: '', template: '', gift: '', scheduledEvent: '',} as const;
// Freeze bases objectObject.freeze(RouteBases);
export const OAuth2Routes = { authorizationURL: `${RouteBases.api}${Routes.oauth2Authorization()}`, tokenURL: `${RouteBases.api}${Routes.oauth2TokenExchange()}`, /** * See */ tokenRevocationURL: `${RouteBases.api}${Routes.oauth2TokenRevocation()}`,} as const;
// Freeze OAuth2 route objectObject.freeze(OAuth2Routes);