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Up to date Discord API Typings, versioned by the API version
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import type { Permissions, Snowflake } from '../../../globals.ts';import type { APIRole, LocaleString } from '../../../v9.ts';import type { APIAttachment, APIChannel, APIMessage, APIPartialChannel, APIThreadChannel, ChannelType, ThreadChannelType,} from '../channel.ts';import type { APIGuildMember } from '../guild.ts';import type { APIEntitlement } from '../monetization.ts';import type { APIUser } from '../user.ts';import type { InteractionType } from './responses.ts';
export type PartialAPIMessageInteractionGuildMember = Pick< APIGuildMember, | 'avatar' | 'communication_disabled_until' | 'deaf' | 'joined_at' | 'mute' | 'nick' | 'pending' | 'premium_since' | 'roles'>;
/** * */export interface APIMessageInteraction { /** * ID of the interaction */ id: Snowflake; /** * The type of interaction */ type: InteractionType; /** * The name of the application command, including subcommands and subcommand groups */ name: string; /** * The user who invoked the interaction */ user: APIUser; /** * The guild member who invoked the interaction, only sent in MESSAGE_CREATE events */ member?: PartialAPIMessageInteractionGuildMember;}
/** * */export interface APIInteractionGuildMember extends APIGuildMember { permissions: Permissions; user: APIUser;}
/** * */export interface APIBaseInteraction<Type extends InteractionType, Data> { /** * ID of the interaction */ id: Snowflake; /** * ID of the application this interaction is for */ application_id: Snowflake; /** * The type of interaction */ type: Type; /** * The command data payload */ data?: Data; /** * The guild it was sent from */ guild_id?: Snowflake; /** * The channel it was sent from */ channel?: Partial<APIChannel> & Pick<APIChannel, 'id' | 'type'>; /** * The id of the channel it was sent from * * @deprecated Use {@apilink APIBaseInteraction#channel} instead */ channel_id?: Snowflake; /** * Guild member data for the invoking user, including permissions * * **This is only sent when an interaction is invoked in a guild** */ member?: APIInteractionGuildMember; /** * User object for the invoking user, if invoked in a DM */ user?: APIUser; /** * A continuation token for responding to the interaction */ token: string; /** * Read-only property, always `1` */ version: 1; /** * For components, the message they were attached to */ message?: APIMessage; /** * Bitwise set of permissions the app or bot has within the channel the interaction was sent from */ app_permissions?: Permissions; /** * The selected language of the invoking user */ locale: LocaleString; /** * The guild's preferred locale, if invoked in a guild */ guild_locale?: LocaleString; /** * For monetized apps, any entitlements for the invoking user, representing access to premium SKUs */ entitlements: APIEntitlement[];}
export type APIDMInteractionWrapper<Original extends APIBaseInteraction<InteractionType, unknown>> = Omit< Original, 'guild_id' | 'member'> & Required<Pick<Original, 'user'>>;
export type APIGuildInteractionWrapper<Original extends APIBaseInteraction<InteractionType, unknown>> = Omit< Original, 'user'> & Required<Pick<Original, 'guild_id' | 'member'>>;
export interface APIInteractionDataResolvedChannelBase<T extends ChannelType> extends Required<APIPartialChannel> { type: T; permissions: Permissions;}
/** * */export type APIInteractionDataResolvedChannel = | APIInteractionDataResolvedChannelBase<Exclude<ChannelType, ThreadChannelType>> | (APIInteractionDataResolvedChannelBase<ThreadChannelType> & Pick<APIThreadChannel, 'parent_id' | 'thread_metadata'>);
/** * */export interface APIInteractionDataResolvedGuildMember extends Omit<APIGuildMember, 'deaf' | 'mute' | 'user'> { permissions: Permissions;}
/** * */export interface APIInteractionDataResolved { users?: Record<Snowflake, APIUser>; roles?: Record<Snowflake, APIRole>; members?: Record<Snowflake, APIInteractionDataResolvedGuildMember>; channels?: Record<Snowflake, APIInteractionDataResolvedChannel>; attachments?: Record<Snowflake, APIAttachment>;}
/** * @deprecated Renamed to `APIInteractionDataResolved` */export type APIChatInputApplicationCommandInteractionDataResolved = APIInteractionDataResolved;
/** * `users` and optional `members` from APIInteractionDataResolved, for user commands and user selects */export type APIUserInteractionDataResolved = Pick<APIInteractionDataResolved, 'members'> & Required<Pick<APIInteractionDataResolved, 'users'>>;
/** * @deprecated Renamed to `APIUserInteractionDataResolved` */export type APIUserApplicationCommandInteractionDataResolved = APIUserInteractionDataResolved;