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import { RestManager } from "../bot.ts";
/** This will create a infinite loop running in 1 seconds using tail recursion to keep rate limits clean. When a rate limit resets, this will remove it so the queue can proceed. */export function processRateLimitedPaths(rest: RestManager) { const now =;
for (const [key, value] of rest.ratelimitedPaths.entries()) { rest.debug(`[REST - processRateLimitedPaths] Running for of loop. ${value.resetTimestamp - now}`); // IF THE TIME HAS NOT REACHED CANCEL if (value.resetTimestamp > now) continue;
// RATE LIMIT IS OVER, DELETE THE RATE LIMITER rest.ratelimitedPaths.delete(key); // IF IT WAS GLOBAL ALSO MARK THE GLOBAL VALUE AS FALSE if (key === "global") rest.globallyRateLimited = false; }
// ALL PATHS ARE CLEARED CAN CANCEL OUT! if (!rest.ratelimitedPaths.size) { rest.processingRateLimitedPaths = false; } else { rest.processingRateLimitedPaths = true; // RECHECK IN 1 SECOND setTimeout(() => { rest.debug(`[REST - processRateLimitedPaths] Running setTimeout.`); rest.processRateLimitedPaths(rest); }, 1000); }}