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Discord API library for Deno
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import { RestManager } from "../bot.ts";import { FileContent } from "../types/discordeno.ts";import { USER_AGENT } from "../util/constants.ts";import { RestPayload, RestRequest } from "./rest.ts";
/** Creates the request body and headers that are necessary to send a request. Will handle different types of methods and everything necessary for discord. */export function createRequestBody(rest: RestManager, queuedRequest: { request: RestRequest; payload: RestPayload }) { const headers: Record<string, string> = { authorization: `Bot ${rest.token}`, "user-agent": USER_AGENT, };
// SOMETIMES SPECIAL HEADERS (E.G. CUSTOM AUTHORIZATION) NEED TO BE USED if (queuedRequest.payload.headers) { for (const key in queuedRequest.payload.headers) { headers[key] = queuedRequest.payload.headers[key]; } }
// GET METHODS SHOULD NOT HAVE A BODY if (queuedRequest.request.method === "GET") { queuedRequest.payload.body = undefined; }
// IF A REASON IS PROVIDED ENCODE IT IN HEADERS if (queuedRequest.payload.body?.reason) { headers["X-Audit-Log-Reason"] = encodeURIComponent(queuedRequest.payload.body.reason as string); queuedRequest.payload.body.reason = undefined; }
// IF A FILE/ATTACHMENT IS PRESENT WE NEED SPECIAL HANDLING if (queuedRequest.payload.body?.file) { if (!Array.isArray(queuedRequest.payload.body.file)) { queuedRequest.payload.body.file = [queuedRequest.payload.body.file]; }
const form = new FormData();
for (let i = 0; i < (queuedRequest.payload.body.file as FileContent[]).length; i++) { form.append( `file${i}`, (queuedRequest.payload.body.file as FileContent[])[i].blob, (queuedRequest.payload.body.file as FileContent[])[i].name, ); }
form.append("payload_json", JSON.stringify({ ...queuedRequest.payload.body, file: undefined })); queuedRequest.payload.body.file = form; } else if (queuedRequest.payload.body && !["GET", "DELETE"].includes(queuedRequest.request.method)) { headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; }
return { headers, body: (queuedRequest.payload.body?.file ?? JSON.stringify(queuedRequest.payload.body)) as FormData | string, method: queuedRequest.request.method, };}