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Discord API library for Deno
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import { PickPartial } from "../types/shared.ts";import { delay } from "./utils.ts";
/** A Leaky Bucket. * Useful for rate limiting purposes. * This uses `` instead of `` for higher accuracy. * * NOTE: This bucket is lazy, means it only updates when a related method is called. */export interface LeakyBucket { // ---------- // PROPERTIES // ----------
/** How many tokens this bucket can hold. */ max: number; /** Amount of tokens gained per interval. * If bigger than `max` it will be pressed to `max`. */ refillAmount: number; /** Interval at which the bucket gains tokens. */ refillInterval: number;
// ---------- // METHODS // ----------
/** Acquire tokens from the bucket. * Resolves when the tokens are acquired and available. * @param {boolean} [highPriority=false] Whether this acquire is should be done asap. */ acquire(amount: number, highPriority?: boolean): Promise<void>;
/** Returns the number of milliseconds until the next refill. */ nextRefill(): number;
/** Current tokens in the bucket. */ tokens(): number;
// ---------- // INTERNAL STATES // ----------
/** @private Internal track of when the last refill of tokens was. * DO NOT TOUCH THIS! Unless you know what you are doing ofc :P */ lastRefill: number;
/** @private Internal state of whether currently it is allowed to acquire tokens. * DO NOT TOUCH THIS! Unless you know what you are doing ofc :P */ allowAcquire: boolean;
/** @private Internal number of currently available tokens. * DO NOT TOUCH THIS! Unless you know what you are doing ofc :P */ tokensState: number;
/** @private Internal array of promises necessary to guarantee no race conditions. * DO NOT TOUCH THIS! Unless you know what you are doing ofc :P */ waiting: ((_?: unknown) => void)[];}
export function createLeakyBucket( { max, refillInterval, refillAmount, tokens, waiting, }: & Omit< PickPartial< LeakyBucket, "max" | "refillInterval" | "refillAmount" >, "tokens" > & { /** Current tokens in the bucket. * @default max */ tokens?: number; },): LeakyBucket { return { max, refillInterval, refillAmount: refillAmount > max ? max : refillAmount, lastRefill:, allowAcquire: true,
nextRefill: function () { return nextRefill(this); },
tokens: function () { return updateTokens(this); },
acquire: async function (amount, highPriority) { return await acquire(this, amount, highPriority); },
tokensState: tokens ?? max, waiting: waiting ?? [],, };}
/** Update the tokens of that bucket. * @returns {number} The amount of current available tokens. */function updateTokens(bucket: LeakyBucket): number { const timePassed = - bucket.lastRefill; const missedRefills = Math.floor(timePassed / bucket.refillInterval);
// The refill shall not exceed the max amount of tokens. bucket.tokensState = Math.min(bucket.tokensState + (bucket.refillAmount * missedRefills), bucket.max); bucket.lastRefill += bucket.refillInterval * missedRefills;
return bucket.tokensState;}
function nextRefill(bucket: LeakyBucket): number { // Since this bucket is lazy update the tokens before calculating the next refill. updateTokens(bucket);
return ( - bucket.lastRefill) + bucket.refillInterval;}
async function acquire(bucket: LeakyBucket, amount: number, highPriority = false): Promise<void> { // To prevent the race condition of 2 acquires happening at once, // check whether its currently allowed to acquire. if (!bucket.allowAcquire) { // create, push, and wait until the current running acquiring is finished. await new Promise((resolve) => { if (highPriority) { bucket.waiting.unshift(resolve); } else { bucket.waiting.push(resolve); } });
// Somehow another acquire has started, // so need to wait again. if (!bucket.allowAcquire) { return await acquire(bucket, amount); } }
bucket.allowAcquire = false; // Since the bucket is lazy update the tokens now, // and also get the current amount of available tokens let currentTokens = updateTokens(bucket);
// It's possible that more than available tokens have been acquired, // so calculate the amount of milliseconds to wait until this acquire is good to go. if (currentTokens < amount) { const tokensNeeded = amount - currentTokens; let refillsNeeded = Math.ceil(tokensNeeded / bucket.refillAmount);
const waitTime = bucket.refillInterval * refillsNeeded; await delay(waitTime);
// Update the tokens again to ensure nothing has been missed. updateTokens(bucket); }
// In order to not subtract too much from the tokens, // calculate what is actually needed to subtract. const toSubtract = (amount % bucket.refillAmount) || amount; bucket.tokensState -= toSubtract;
// Allow the next acquire to happen. bucket.allowAcquire = true; // If there is an acquire waiting, let it continue. bucket.waiting.shift()?.();}