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import type { Bot } from "../../../bot.ts";import { DiscordGuildApplicationCommandPermissions } from "../../../types/discord.ts";import { ApplicationCommandPermissionTypes } from "../../../types/shared.ts";
/** Edits command permissions for a specific command for your application in a guild. */export async function editApplicationCommandPermissions( bot: Bot, guildId: bigint, commandId: bigint, /** Bearer token which has the `applications.commands.permissions.update` scope and also access to this guild. */ bearerToken: string, options: ApplicationCommandPermissions[],) { const result = await<DiscordGuildApplicationCommandPermissions>(, "PUT", bot.constants.routes.COMMANDS_PERMISSION(bot.applicationId, guildId, commandId), { permissions: options, }, { headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${bearerToken}` }, }, );
return bot.transformers.applicationCommandPermission(bot, result);}
/** */export interface ApplicationCommandPermissions { /** The id of the role or user */ id: string; /** Role or User */ type: ApplicationCommandPermissionTypes; /** `true` to allow, `false`, to disallow */ permission: boolean;}