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interface DiscordApplicationCommand
import { type DiscordApplicationCommand } from "";


id: string

Unique ID of command

Type of command, defaults to ApplicationCommandTypes.ChatInput

application_id: string

ID of the parent application

guild_id: string

Guild id of the command, if not global

name: string

Name of command, 1-32 characters. ApplicationCommandTypes.ChatInput command names must match the following regex ^[-_\p{L}\p{N}\p{sc=Deva}\p{sc=Thai}]{1,32}$ with the unicode flag set. If there is a lowercase variant of any letters used, you must use those. Characters with no lowercase variants and/or uncased letters are still allowed. ApplicationCommandTypes.UserandApplicationCommandTypes.Message` commands may be mixed case and can include spaces.

name_localizations: Localization | null

Localization object for name field. Values follow the same restrictions as name

description: string

Description for ApplicationCommandTypes.ChatInput commands, 1-100 characters. Empty string for ApplicationCommandTypes.User and ApplicationCommandTypes.Message commands

description_localizations: Localization | null

Localization object for description field. Values follow the same restrictions as description

Parameters for the command, max of 25

default_member_permissions: string | null

Set of permissions represented as a bit set

dm_permission: boolean | null

Indicates whether the command is available in DMs with the app, only for globally-scoped commands. By default, commands are visible.

version: string

Auto incrementing version identifier updated during substantial record changes