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interface BotWithHelpersPlugin
implements Bot
import { type BotWithHelpersPlugin } from "";


helpers: FinalHelpers & { fetchAndRetrieveMembers: (guildId: bigint) => Promise<Collection<bigint, Member>>; sendDirectMessage: (userId: bigint, content: string | CreateMessage) => Promise<Message>; sendTextMessage: (channelId: bigint, content: string | CreateMessage) => Promise<Message>; suppressEmbeds: (channelId: bigint, messageId: bigint) => Promise<Message>; archiveThread: (threadId: bigint) => Promise<Channel>; unarchiveThread: (threadId: bigint) => Promise<Channel>; lockThread: (threadId: bigint) => Promise<Channel>; unlockThread: (threadId: bigint) => Promise<Channel>; editThread: (
threadId: bigint,
options: ModifyThread,
reason?: string,
) => Promise<Channel>; cloneChannel: (channel: Channel, reason?: string) => Promise<Channel>; sendAutocompleteChoices: (
interactionId: bigint,
interactionToken: string,
) => Promise<void>; disconnectMember: (guildId: bigint, memberId: bigint) => Promise<Member>; getMembersPaginated: (guildId: bigint, options: ListGuildMembers) => Promise<Collection<bigint, Member>>; moveMember: (
guildId: bigint,
memberId: bigint,
channelId: bigint,
) => Promise<Member>; }