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import { assertExists } from "../../deps.ts";import { delayUntil } from "../../utils.ts";import { bot } from "../../mod.ts";import { ButtonStyles, CreateMessage, MessageComponentTypes } from "../../../mod.ts";
async function ifItFailsBlameWolf(channelId: bigint, content: CreateMessage) { const message = await bot.helpers.sendMessage(channelId, content); // Assertions assertExists(message); // Delay the execution by to allow MESSAGE_CREATE event to be processed await delayUntil(10000, () => bot.messages.has(; // Make sure the message was created. if (!bot.messages.has( { throw new Error("The message seemed to be sent but it was not cached."); }}
export async function sendMessageWithTextTest(channelId: bigint) { await ifItFailsBlameWolf(channelId, { content: "Hello World!" });}
export async function sendMessageWithComponents(channelId: bigint) { await ifItFailsBlameWolf(channelId, { content: "Hello World!", components: [ { type: MessageComponentTypes.ActionRow, components: [ { type: MessageComponentTypes.Button, label: "Doc", style: ButtonStyles.Link, url: ``, }, { type: MessageComponentTypes.Button, label: "Server", style: ButtonStyles.Link, url: ``, }, ], }, { type: MessageComponentTypes.ActionRow, components: [ { type: MessageComponentTypes.Button, label: "Hi", customId: `hi`, style: ButtonStyles.Primary, }, ], }, ], });}
export async function sendMessageWithEmbedsTest(channelId: bigint) { await ifItFailsBlameWolf(channelId, { embeds: [ { title: "Hello World", description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam at cursus libero. Sed egestas nec ligula sit amet sollicitudin. Curabitur.", color: 0x00ff00, footer: { text: "Discordeno Best Lib", }, author: { name: "Cacahe", }, }, { title: "Goodbye World", description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean libero enim, blandit tincidunt magna non, auctor pellentesque lacus. Nulla diam.", color: 0x0000ff, footer: { text: "Discordeno Best Lib", }, author: { name: "Wolf", }, }, ], });}