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Discord API library for Deno
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import { build } from "";
await Deno.remove("npm", { recursive: true }).catch((_) => {});
await build({ shims: { deno: true, timers: true, blob: true, undici: true, custom: [ { package: { name: "ws", version: "^8.4.0", }, globalNames: [ { name: "WebSocket", exportName: "default", }, ], }, ], }, entryPoints: [ "./mod.ts", { name: "./rest", path: "rest/mod.ts", }, { name: "./gateway", path: "gateway/mod.ts", }, { name: "./types", path: "types/mod.ts", }, { name: "./transformers", path: "transformers/mod.ts", }, { name: "./packages", path: "packages/mod.ts", }, { name: "./logger", path: "packages/logger/mod.ts", }, { name: "./embeds", path: "packages/embeds/mod.ts", }, { name: "./plugins", path: "plugins/mod.ts", }, { name: "./cache-plugin", path: "plugins/cache/mod.ts", }, { name: "./fileloader-plugin", path: "plugins/fileloader/mod.ts", }, { name: "./helpers-plugin", path: "plugins/helpers/mod.ts", }, { name: "./permissions-plugin", path: "plugins/permissions/mod.ts", }, ], outDir: "./npm", typeCheck: false, declaration: true, test: false, package: { name: "discordeno", version: Deno.args[0], description: "Discordeno is simplistic, easy-to-use, versatile while being efficient and lightweight.", keywords: [ "javascript", "api", "library", "typescript", "discord", "discord-bot", "discord-api", "deno", "discordeno", ], author: "Skillz4Killz", license: "Apache License 2.0", bugs: { url: "", }, homepage: "", repository: { type: "git", url: "", }, typesVersions: { "*": { "*": [ "./types/mod.d.ts", ], "rest": [ "./types/rest/mod.d.ts", ], "gateway": [ "./types/gateway/mod.d.ts", ], "types": [ "./types/types/mod.d.ts", ], "transformers": [ "./types/transformers/mod.d.ts", ], "packages": [ "./types/packages/mod.d.ts", ], "logger": [ "./types/packages/logger/mod.d.ts", ], "embeds": [ "./types/packages/embeds/mod.d.ts", ], "plugins": [ "./types/plugins/mod.d.ts", ], "cache-plugin": [ "./types/plugins/cache/mod.d.ts", ], "fileloader-plugin": [ "./types/plugins/fileloader/mod.d.ts", ], "helpers-plugin": [ "./types/plugins/helpers/mod.d.ts", ], "permissions-plugin": [ "./types/plugins/permissions/mod.d.ts", ], }, }, }, compilerOptions: { target: "ES2020" },});
// post build stepsDeno.copyFileSync("LICENSE", "npm/LICENSE");Deno.copyFileSync("", "npm/");