import * as discordeno from "";
Adds a reaction to a message. | |
Adds multiple a reaction to a message. | |
Adds a role to a member. | |
Adds a member to a thread. | |
Bans a user from a guild. | |
Connects the bot user to a voice or stage channel. | |
Creates an automod rule in a guild. | |
Creates a channel within a guild. | |
Creates an emoji in a guild. | |
Creates a new thread in a forum channel, and sends a message within the created thread. | |
Creates an application command accessible globally; across different guilds and channels. | |
Creates a guild. | |
Creates an application command only accessible in a specific guild. | |
Creates a guild from a template. | |
Create a new sticker for the guild. | |
Creates a template from a guild. | |
Creates an invite to a channel in a guild. | |
Creates a role in a guild. | |
Creates a scheduled event in a guild. | |
Creates a stage instance associated with a stage channel. | |
Creates a webhook. | |
Cross-posts a message posted in an announcement channel to subscribed channels. | |
Deletes an automod rule. | |
Deletes a channel from within a guild. | |
Deletes a permission override for a user or role in a channel. | |
Deletes an emoji from a guild. | |
Deletes a follow-up message to an interaction. | |
Deletes an application command registered globally. | |
Deletes a guild. | |
Deletes an application command registered in a guild. | |
Delete a new sticker for the guild. | |
Deletes a template from a guild. | |
Deletes an integration attached to a guild. | |
Deletes an invite to a channel. | |
Deletes a message from a channel. | |
Deletes multiple messages from a channel. | |
Deletes the initial message response to an interaction. | |
Deletes a reaction added by the bot user from a message. | |
Deletes all reactions for all emojis from a message. | |
Deletes all reactions for an emoji from a message. | |
Deletes a role from a guild. | |
Deletes a scheduled event from a guild. | |
Deletes the stage instance associated with a stage channel, if one exists. | |
Deletes a user's reaction from a message. | |
Deletes a webhook. | |
Deletes a webhook message. | |
Deletes a webhook message using the webhook token, thereby bypassing the need for authentication + permissions. | |
Edits the permissions for a guild application command. | |
Edits an automod rule. | |
Edits the nickname of the bot user. | |
Modifies the bot's username or avatar. NOTE: username: if changed may cause the bot's discriminator to be randomized. | |
Edits a channel's settings. | |
Edits the permission overrides for a user or role in a channel. | |
Edits the positions of a set of channels in a guild. | |
Edits an emoji. | |
Edits a follow-up message to an interaction. | |
Edits a global application command. | |
Edits a guild's settings. | |
Edits an application command registered in a guild. | |
Modify a guild's MFA level. Requires guild ownership. | |
Edit the given sticker. | |
Edits a template's settings. | |
Edits a member's properties. | |
Edits a message. | |
Edits the initial message response to an interaction. | |
Edits the original webhook message. | |
Edits the voice state of the bot user. | |
Edits a role in a guild. | |
Edits a scheduled event. | |
Edits a stage instance. | |
Edits the voice state of another user. | |
Edits a webhook. | |
Edits a webhook message. | |
Edits a webhook using the webhook token, thereby bypassing the need for authentication + permissions. | |
Edits a guild's welcome screen. | |
Edits the settings of a guild's widget. | |
Executes a webhook, causing a message to be posted in the channel configured for the webhook. | |
Fetches the list of members for a guild over the gateway. | |
Follows an announcement channel, allowing messages posted within it to be cross-posted into the target channel. | |
Gets the list of all active threads for a guild. | |
Gets the permissions of a guild application command. | |
Gets the permissions of all application commands registered in a guild by the ID of the guild. | |
Get the applications info | |
Gets a guild's audit log. | |
Gets an automod rule by its ID. | |
Gets the list of automod rules for a guild. | |
Gets the list of available voice regions. | |
Builds a URL to a user's avatar stored in the Discord CDN. | |
Gets a ban by user ID. | |
Gets the list of bans for a guild. | |
Gets a channel by its ID. | |
Gets the list of invites for a channel. | |
Gets the list of channels for a guild. | |
Gets a list of webhooks for a channel. | |
Gets or creates a DM channel with a user. | |
Gets an emoji by its ID. | |
Gets the list of emojis for a guild. | |
Builds a URL to an emoji in the Discord CDN. | |
Gets a follow-up message to an interaction by the ID of the message. | |
Get the bots Gateway metadata that can help during the operation of large or sharded bots. | |
Gets a global application command by its ID. | |
Gets the list of your bot's global application commands. | |
Gets a guild by its ID. | |
Gets a guild application command by its ID. | |
Gets the list of application commands registered by your bot in a guild. | |
Builds a URL to the guild banner stored in the Discord CDN. | |
Builds a URL to the guild icon stored in the Discord CDN. | |
Gets the preview of a guild by a guild's ID. | |
Builds the URL to a guild splash stored in the Discord CDN. | |
Returns a sticker object for the given guild and sticker IDs. | |
Returns an array of sticker objects for the given guild. | |
Gets a template by its code. | |
Gets the list of templates for a guild. | |
Gets the list of webhooks for a guild. | |
Gets the list of integrations attached to a guild. | |
Gets an invite to a channel by its invite code. | |
Gets the list of invites for a guild. | |
Gets the member object by user ID. | |
Gets the list of members for a guild. | |
Gets a message from a channel by the ID of the message. | |
Gets multiple messages from a channel. | |
Returns the list of sticker packs available to Nitro subscribers. | |
Gets the initial message response to an interaction. | |
Gets the pinned messages for a channel. | |
Gets the list of private archived threads for a channel. | |
Gets the list of private archived threads the bot is a member of for a channel. | |
Gets the number of members that would be kicked from a guild during pruning. | |
Gets the list of public archived threads for a channel. | |
Gets the list of users that reacted with an emoji to a message. | |
Gets the list of roles for a guild. | |
Gets a scheduled event by its ID. | |
Gets the list of scheduled events for a guild. | |
Gets the list of subscribers to a scheduled event from a guild. | |
Gets the stage instance associated with a stage channel, if one exists. | |
Returns a sticker object for the given sticker ID. | |
Gets a thread member by their user ID. | |
Gets the list of thread members for a thread. | |
This function will return the raw user payload in the rare cases you need to fetch a user directly from the API. | |
Gets information about the vanity url of a guild. | |
Gets the list of voice regions for a guild. | |
Gets a webhook by its ID. | |
Gets a webhook message by its ID. | |
Gets a webhook using the webhook token, thereby bypassing the need for authentication + permissions. | |
Gets the welcome screen for a guild. | |
Gets the guild widget by guild ID. | |
Builds a URL to the guild widget image stored in the Discord CDN. | |
Gets the settings of a guild's widget. | |
Adds the bot user to a thread. | |
Kicks a member from a guild. | |
Leaves a guild. | |
Removes the bot user from a thread. | |
Leaves the voice channel the bot user is currently in. | |
Edits the positions of a set of roles. | |
Pins a message in a channel. | |
Initiates the process of pruning inactive members. | |
Removes a role from a member. | |
Removes a member from a thread. | |
Gets the list of members whose usernames or nicknames start with a provided string. | |
Sends a follow-up message to an interaction. | |
Sends a response to an interaction. | |
Sends a message to a channel. | |
Creates a thread, using an existing message as its point of origin. | |
Creates a thread without using a message as the thread's point of origin. | |
Synchronises a template with the current state of a guild. | |
Triggers a typing indicator for the bot user. | |
Unbans a user from a guild. | |
Unpins a pinned message in a channel. | |
Re-registers the list of global application commands, overwriting the previous commands completely. | |
Re-registers the list of application commands registered in a guild, overwriting the previous commands completely. |