import * as discordeno from "";
Check the rate limits for a url or a bucket. | |
Cleans up the queues by checking if there is nothing left and removing it. | |
Creates the request body and headers that are necessary to send a request. Will handle different types of methods and everything necessary for discord. | |
Processes the queue by looping over each path separately until the queues are empty. | |
This will create a infinite loop running in 1 seconds using tail recursion to keep rate limits clean. When a rate limit resets, this will remove it so the queue can proceed. | |
Processes a request and assigns it to a queue or creates a queue if none exists for it. | |
Processes the rate limit headers and determines if it needs to be rate limited and returns the bucket id if available | |
Split a url to separate rate limit buckets based on major/minor parameters. |