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import type { Bot } from "../../../bot.ts";import { BigString } from "../../../types/shared.ts";import { processReactionString } from "./getReactions.ts";
/** * Deletes all reactions for an emoji from a message. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the request. * @param channelId - The ID of the channel the message to delete the reactions from is in. * @param messageId - The ID of the message to delete the reactions from. * @param reaction - The reaction to remove from the message. * * @remarks * Requires the `READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY` permission. * * Requires the `MANAGE_MESSAGES` permission. * * Fires a _Message Reaction Remove Emoji_ gateway event. * * @see {@link} */export async function deleteReactionsEmoji( bot: Bot, channelId: BigString, messageId: BigString, reaction: string,): Promise<void> { reaction = processReactionString(reaction);
return await<void>(, "DELETE", bot.constants.routes.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION(channelId, messageId, reaction), );}