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import type { Bot } from "../../../bot.ts";import { User } from "../../../transformers/member.ts";import { DiscordUser } from "../../../types/discord.ts";import { BigString } from "../../../types/shared.ts";import { Collection } from "../../../util/collection.ts";
/** Get a list of users that reacted with this emoji. *//** * Gets the list of users that reacted with an emoji to a message. * * @param bot - The bot instance to use to make the request. * @param channelId - The ID of the channel the message to get the users for is in. * @param messageId - The ID of the message to get the users for. * @param reaction - The reaction for which to get the users. * @param options - The parameters for the fetching of the users. * @returns A collection of {@link User} objects assorted by user ID. * * @see {@link} */export async function getReactions( bot: Bot, channelId: BigString, messageId: BigString, reaction: string, options?: GetReactions,): Promise<Collection<bigint, User>> { reaction = processReactionString(reaction);
const results = await<DiscordUser[]>(, "GET", bot.constants.routes.CHANNEL_MESSAGE_REACTION(channelId, messageId, reaction, options), );
return new Collection( => { const user = bot.transformers.user(bot, result); return [, user]; }), );}
export function processReactionString(reaction: string): string { if (reaction.startsWith("<:")) { return reaction.substring(2, reaction.length - 1); }
if (reaction.startsWith("<a:")) { return reaction.substring(3, reaction.length - 1); }
return reaction;}
/** */export interface GetReactions { /** Get users after this user Id */ after?: string; /** Max number of users to return (1-100) */ limit?: number;}