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Discord API library for Deno
import { Collection, formatImageURL, hasProperty, iconBigintToHash, iconHashToBigInt, validateLength } from "../mod.ts";import { decode, encode } from "../util/base64.ts";import { bigintToSnowflake, snowflakeToBigint } from "../util/bigint.ts";import { removeTokenPrefix } from "../util/token.ts";import { assertEquals, assertExists, assertNotEquals } from "./deps.ts";import { loadBot } from "./mod.ts";import { delayUntil } from "./utils.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "[token] Remove token prefix when Bot is prefixed.", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals("discordeno is best lib", removeTokenPrefix("Bot discordeno is best lib")); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[token] Remove token prefix when Bot is NOT prefixed.", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals("discordeno is best lib", removeTokenPrefix("discordeno is best lib")); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[bigint] - Transform a snowflake string to bigint", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { const text = "130136895395987456"; const big = 130136895395987456n; const result = snowflakeToBigint(text);
assertEquals(big, result); assertNotEquals(text, result); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[bigint] - Transform a bigint to a string", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { const text = "130136895395987456"; const big = 130136895395987456n; const result = bigintToSnowflake(big);
assertEquals(text, result); assertNotEquals(big, result); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[emoji] Create an emoji url", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "UNIT", async fn(t) { const bot = loadBot(); assertEquals( bot.helpers.getEmojiURL(785403373817823272n, false), "", ); assertEquals( bot.helpers.getEmojiURL(785403373817823272n, true), "", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[guild] format a guild's icon url", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "UNIT", async fn(t) { const bot = loadBot(); assertEquals( bot.helpers.getGuildIconURL(785384884197392384n, 3837424427068676005442449262648382018748n), "", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[guild] format a guild's banner url", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "UNIT", async fn(t) { const bot = loadBot();
assertEquals( bot.helpers.getGuildBannerURL(613425648685547541n, { banner: 3919584870146358272366452115178209474142n, }), "", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[guild] format a guild's splash url", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "UNIT", async fn(t) { const bot = loadBot(); assertEquals( bot.helpers.getGuildSplashURL(785384884197392384n, 3837424427068676005442449262648382018748n), "", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] format image url", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(formatImageURL(``), ""); assertEquals(formatImageURL(``, 1024), ""); assertEquals(formatImageURL(``, 1024, "gif"), ""); assertEquals(formatImageURL(``, undefined, "gif"), ""); },});
const iconHash = "4bbb271a13f7195031adcc06a2d867ce";const iconBigInt = 3843769888406823508519992434416504301518n;const a_iconHash = "a_4bbb271a13f7195031adcc06a2d867ce";const a_iconBigInt = 3503487521485885045056617826984736090062n;
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] icon hash to bigint", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(iconHashToBigInt(iconHash), iconBigInt); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] icon bigint to hash", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(iconBigintToHash(iconBigInt), iconHash); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] icon hash to bigint a_ (animated)", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(iconHashToBigInt(a_iconHash), a_iconBigInt); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] icon bigint to hash a_ (animated)", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(iconBigintToHash(a_iconBigInt), a_iconHash); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] Validate length is too low", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(validateLength("test", { min: 5 }), false); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] Validate length is too high", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(validateLength("test", { max: 3 }), false); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] Validate length is NOT just right in between.", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(validateLength("test", { min: 5, max: 3 }), false); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] Validate length is NOT too low", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(validateLength("test", { min: 3 }), true); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] Validate length is NOT too high", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(validateLength("test", { max: 5 }), true); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] Validate length is just right in between.", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(validateLength("test", { min: 3, max: 6 }), true); },});
const obj = { prop: "lts372005" };
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] hasProperty does HAVE property", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(hasProperty(obj, "prop"), true); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] hasProperty does NOT HAVE property", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(hasProperty(obj, "lts372005"), false); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[member] format a members avatar url", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "UNIT", async fn(t) { const bot = loadBot();
assertEquals( bot.helpers.getAvatarURL(130136895395987456n, "8840", { avatar: 4055337350987360625717955448021200177333n, }), "", ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[collection] Create a collection", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { const collection = new Collection();
await t.step({ name: "[collection] collection values to array", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { const testCollection = new Collection([["best", "tri"], ["proficient", "yui"]]);
assertEquals(testCollection.array(), ["tri", "yui"]); }, });
await t.step({ name: "[collection] get a random value", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { const testCollection = new Collection([["best", "tri"]]);
assertEquals(["best", "tri"].includes(testCollection.random() ?? ""), true); assertEquals(collection.random(), undefined); }, });
await t.step({ name: "[collection] Set a value without maxSize", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { collection.set("best developer", "triformine"); assertEquals(collection.size, 1); assertEquals(collection.get("best developer"), "triformine");
collection.set("deno", "yes");
await t.step({ name: "[collection] get the value of the first element", async fn(t) { assertEquals(collection.first(), "triformine"); }, });
await t.step({ name: "[collection] get the value of the last element", async fn(t) { assertEquals(collection.last(), "yes"); }, }); }, });
await t.step({ name: "[collection] Create a collection with maxSize", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { const maxSize = 2;
const maxCollection = new Collection([], { maxSize, });
assertExists(maxCollection); assertExists(maxCollection.maxSize); assertEquals(maxCollection.maxSize, maxSize);
await t.step({ name: "[collection] Test if maxSize works properly", async fn(t) { maxCollection.set("foo", "bar"); maxCollection.set("me", "you");
assertEquals(maxCollection.size, 2);
maxCollection.set("this", "not");
assertEquals(maxCollection.size, 2);
await t.step({ name: "[collection] Test if forceSet ignore maxSize", async fn(t) { maxCollection.forceSet("this", "not");
assertEquals(maxCollection.size, 3); }, }); }, }); }, });
const testCollection = new Collection([["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 3]]);
await t.step({ name: "[collection] find by key or value", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(testCollection.find((v, k) => v === 2), 2); assertEquals(testCollection.find((v, k) => k === "b"), 2); }, });
await t.step({ name: "[collection] filter by key or value", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(testCollection.filter((v, k) => v === 3).size, 1); assertEquals(testCollection.filter((v, k) => k === "d").size, 0); }, });
await t.step({ name: "[collection] map", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(, v) => `${v}${k}`), ["a1", "b2", "c3"]); }, });
await t.step({ name: "[collection] some", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(testCollection.some((v, _) => v === 1), true); assertEquals(testCollection.some((v, _) => v === 4), false); }, });
await t.step({ name: "[collection] every", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(testCollection.every((v, _) => v !== 0), true); assertEquals(testCollection.every((v, _) => v === 1), false); }, });
await t.step({ name: "[collection] reduce", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(testCollection.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0), 6); }, });
await t.step({ name: "[collection] start sweeper", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { const sweeperCollection = new Collection([["a", 1], ["b", 2]], { sweeper: { filter: (v, _) => v === 1, interval: 50, }, });
try { assertEquals(sweeperCollection.size, 2);
await delayUntil(150, () => sweeperCollection.size !== 2, 50);
assertEquals(sweeperCollection.size, 1); } catch (err) { sweeperCollection.stopSweeper();
throw err; }
sweeperCollection.stopSweeper(); }, }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] encode some bytes to base64", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(encode(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])), "AQIDBAUGBwgJCg=="); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] decode some base64 to bytes", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { assertEquals(decode("AQIDBAUGBwgJCg=="), new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[utils] encode/decode base64 roundtrip should work", ignore: Deno.env.get("TEST_ENV") === "INTEGRATION", async fn(t) { for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const bytes = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { bytes.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)); } const data = new Uint8Array(bytes); assertEquals(decode(encode(data)), data); } },});