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Discord API library for Deno
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/* * This File will never run when you use it. * It is only meant for easy debugging/adding features to the library. * It allows me to easily run up a bot using the library itself without having to commit code * and then reloading cache from another bot folder to then test each micro change. * Especially since a lot of Deno is still unstable and we have to be able to adjust on the fly this is helpful. * Don't worry this will never run and you should never touch this file. * Review the official boilerplates to see how to start a bot! */
import Client from "./module/client.ts";import { configs } from "./configs.ts";import { Intents } from "./types/options.ts";import { logYellow } from "./utils/logger.ts";import { cache } from "./utils/cache.ts";
Client({ token: configs.token, botID: "675412054529540107", intents: [Intents.GUILDS, Intents.GUILD_MESSAGES, Intents.GUILD_MEMBERS], eventHandlers: { ready: () => { logYellow("Bot ready emitted"); }, // raw: (data) => logGreen("[RAW] => " + JSON.stringify(data)), messageCreate: async (message) => { if ( === "130136895395987456") { if (message.content.startsWith("!test")) { if (!message.guild_id) return; const guild = cache.guilds.get(message.guild_id); if (!guild) return logYellow("no guild"); } } }, },});