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Discord API library for Deno
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import { Guild } from "../structures/guild.ts";import { createChannel } from "../structures/channel.ts";
import { formatImageURL } from "../utils/cdn.ts";import { botHasPermission } from "../utils/permissions.ts";
import { RequestManager } from "../module/requestManager.ts";
import { endpoints } from "../constants/discord.ts";
import { Errors } from "../types/errors.ts";import { Permissions, Permission } from "../types/permission.ts";import { CreateChannelOptions, ChannelCreatePayload, ChannelTypes,} from "../types/channel.ts";import { ImageFormats, ImageSize } from "../types/cdn.ts";import { CreateEmojisOptions, PositionSwap, EditEmojisOptions, CreateRoleOptions, FetchMembersOptions, GetAuditLogsOptions, EditIntegrationOptions, BanOptions, GuildEditOptions, PruneOptions, PrunePayload,} from "../types/guild.ts";import { RoleData } from "../types/role.ts";import { createRole } from "../structures/role.ts";import { Intents } from "../types/options.ts";import { identifyPayload } from "../module/client.ts";import { requestAllMembers } from "../module/shardingManager.ts";import { MemberCreatePayload } from "../types/member.ts";import { cache } from "../utils/cache.ts";import { createMember } from "../structures/member.ts";
/** Gets an array of all the channels ids that are the children of this category. */export function categoryChildrenIDs(guild: Guild, id: string) { const channelIDs: string[] = []; guild.channels.forEach((channel) => { if (channel.parentID === id) channelIDs.push(; });
return channelIDs;}
/** The full URL of the icon from Discords CDN. Undefined when no icon is set. */export function guildIconURL( guild: Guild, size: ImageSize = 128, format?: ImageFormats,) { return guild.icon ? formatImageURL(endpoints.GUILD_ICON(, guild.icon), size, format) : undefined;}
/** The full URL of the splash from Discords CDN. Undefined if no splash is set. */export function guildSplashURL( guild: Guild, size: ImageSize = 128, format?: ImageFormats,) { return guild.splash ? formatImageURL( endpoints.GUILD_SPLASH(, guild.splash), size, format, ) : undefined;}/** The full URL of the banner from Discords CDN. Undefined if no banner is set. */export function guildBannerURL( guild: Guild, size: ImageSize = 128, format?: ImageFormats,) { return guild.banner ? formatImageURL( endpoints.GUILD_BANNER(, guild.banner), size, format, ) : undefined;}
/** Create a channel in your server. Bot needs MANAGE_CHANNEL permissions in the server. */export async function createGuildChannel( guild: Guild, name: string, options: CreateChannelOptions,) { if (!botHasPermission(, [Permissions.MANAGE_CHANNELS])) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_CHANNELS); } const result = (await, { name, permission_overwrites: options?.permission_overwrites ? => ({ ...perm, allow: => Permissions[p]), deny: => Permissions[p]), })) : undefined, ...options, type: options.type ? ChannelTypes[options.type] : undefined, })) as ChannelCreatePayload;
const channel = createChannel(result); guild.channels.set(, channel); return channel;}
/** Returns a list of guild channel objects.** ⚠️ **If you need this, you are probably doing something wrong. This is not intended for use. Your channels will be cached in your guild.***/export function getChannels(guildID: string) { return RequestManager.get(endpoints.GUILD_CHANNELS(guildID));}
/** Modify the positions of channels on the guild. Requires MANAGE_CHANNELS permisison. */export function swapChannels( guildID: string, channelPositions: PositionSwap[],) { if (channelPositions.length < 2) { throw "You must provide atleast two channels to be swapped."; } return RequestManager.patch( endpoints.GUILD_CHANNELS(guildID), channelPositions, );}
/** Returns a guild member object for the specified user.** ⚠️ **ADVANCED USE ONLY: Your members will be cached in your guild most likely. Only use this when you are absolutely sure the member is not cached.***/export async function getMember(guildID: string, id: string) { const guild = cache.guilds.get(guildID); if (!guild) return;
const data = await RequestManager.get( endpoints.GUILD_MEMBER(guildID, id), ) as MemberCreatePayload;
const member = createMember(data, guild); guild.members.set(id, member); return member;}
/** Create an emoji in the server. Emojis and animated emojis have a maximum file size of 256kb. Attempting to upload an emoji larger than this limit will fail and return 400 Bad Request and an error message, but not a JSON status code. */export function createEmoji( guildID: string, name: string, image: string, options: CreateEmojisOptions,) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_EMOJIS]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_EMOJIS); } return, { ...options, name, image, });}
/** Modify the given emoji. Requires the MANAGE_EMOJIS permission. */export function editEmoji( guildID: string, id: string, options: EditEmojisOptions,) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_EMOJIS]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_EMOJIS); } return RequestManager.patch(endpoints.GUILD_EMOJI(guildID, id), { name:, roles: options.roles, });}
/** Delete the given emoji. Requires the MANAGE_EMOJIS permission. Returns 204 No Content on success. */export function deleteEmoji(guildID: string, id: string, reason?: string) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_EMOJIS]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_EMOJIS); } return RequestManager.delete( endpoints.GUILD_EMOJI(guildID, id), { reason }, );}
/** Creates a url to the emoji from the Discord CDN. */export function emojiURL(id: string, animated = false) { return `${id}.${animated ? "gif" : "png"}`;}
/** Create a new role for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. */export async function createGuildRole( guild: Guild, options: CreateRoleOptions, reason?: string,) { if ( !botHasPermission(, [Permissions.MANAGE_ROLES]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_ROLES); } const role_data = await endpoints.GUILD_ROLES(, { ...options, permissions: options.permissions ?.reduce((subtotal, perm) => { subtotal |= Permissions[perm]; return subtotal; }, 0), reason, }, );
const roleData = role_data as RoleData; const role = createRole(roleData); guild.roles.set(, role); return role;}
/** Edit a guild role. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. */export function editRole( guildID: string, id: string, options: CreateRoleOptions,) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_ROLES]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_ROLES); } return RequestManager.patch(endpoints.GUILD_ROLE(guildID, id), options);}
/** Delete a guild role. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. */export function deleteRole(guildID: string, id: string) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_ROLES]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_ROLES); } return RequestManager.delete(endpoints.GUILD_ROLE(guildID, id));}
/** Returns a list of role objects for the guild.** ⚠️ **If you need this, you are probably doing something wrong. This is not intended for use. Your roles will be cached in your guild.***/export function getRoles(guildID: string) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_ROLES]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_ROLES); } return RequestManager.get(endpoints.GUILD_ROLES(guildID));}
/** Modify the positions of a set of role objects for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_ROLES permission. */export function swapRoles(guildID: string, rolePositons: PositionSwap) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_ROLES]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_ROLES); } return RequestManager.patch(endpoints.GUILD_ROLES(guildID), rolePositons);}
/** Check how many members would be removed from the server in a prune operation. Requires the KICK_MEMBERS permission */export async function getPruneCount(guildID: string, options: PruneOptions) { if (options.days < 1) { throw new Error(Errors.PRUNE_MIN_DAYS); } if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.KICK_MEMBERS]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_KICK_MEMBERS); }
const result = await RequestManager.get( endpoints.GUILD_PRUNE(guildID), { ...options, include_roles: options.roles.join(",") }, ) as PrunePayload;
return result.pruned;}
/** Begin pruning all members in the given time period */export function pruneMembers(guildID: string, options: PruneOptions) { if (options.days < 1) { throw new Error(Errors.PRUNE_MIN_DAYS); } if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.KICK_MEMBERS]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_KICK_MEMBERS); } endpoints.GUILD_PRUNE(guildID), { ...options, include_roles: options.roles.join(",") }, );}
export function fetchMembers(guild: Guild, options?: FetchMembersOptions) { if (!(identifyPayload.intents & Intents.GUILD_MEMBERS)) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_INTENT_GUILD_MEMBERS); }
return new Promise((resolve) => { requestAllMembers(guild, resolve, options); });}
/** Returns the audit logs for the guild. Requires VIEW AUDIT LOGS permission */export function getAuditLogs(guildID: string, options: GetAuditLogsOptions) { if (!botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.VIEW_AUDIT_LOG])) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_VIEW_AUDIT_LOG); }
return RequestManager.get(endpoints.GUILD_AUDIT_LOGS(guildID), { ...options, limit: options.limit && options.limit >= 1 && options.limit <= 100 ? options.limit : 50, });}
/** Returns the guild embed object. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. */export function getEmbed(guildID: string) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_GUILD]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_GUILD); } return RequestManager.get(endpoints.GUILD_EMBED(guildID));}
/** Modify a guild embed object for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. */export function editEmbed( guildID: string, enabled: boolean, channelID?: string | null,) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_GUILD]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_GUILD); } return RequestManager.patch( endpoints.GUILD_EMBED(guildID), { enabled, channel_id: channelID }, );}
/** Returns the code and uses of the vanity url for this server if it is enabled. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. */export function getVanityURL(guildID: string) { return RequestManager.get(endpoints.GUILD_VANITY_URL(guildID));}
/** Returns a list of integrations for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. */export function getIntegrations(guildID: string) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_GUILD]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_GUILD); } return RequestManager.get(endpoints.GUILD_INTEGRATIONS(guildID));}
/** Modify the behavior and settings of an integration object for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. */export function editIntegration( guildID: string, id: string, options: EditIntegrationOptions,) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_GUILD]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_GUILD); } return RequestManager.patch( endpoints.GUILD_INTEGRATION(guildID, id), options, );}
/** Delete the attached integration object for the guild with this id. Requires MANAGE_GUILD permission. */export function deleteIntegration(guildID: string, id: string) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_GUILD]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_GUILD); } return RequestManager.delete(endpoints.GUILD_INTEGRATION(guildID, id));}
/** Sync an integration. Requires teh MANAGE_GUILD permission. */export function syncIntegration(guildID: string, id: string) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_GUILD]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_GUILD); } return, id));}
/** Returns a list of ban objects for the users banned from this guild. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission. */export function getBans(guildID: string) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.BAN_MEMBERS]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_BAN_MEMBERS); } return RequestManager.get(endpoints.GUILD_BANS(guildID));}
/** Ban a user from the guild and optionally delete previous messages sent by the user. Requires teh BAN_MEMBERS permission. */export function ban(guildID: string, id: string, options: BanOptions) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.BAN_MEMBERS]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_BAN_MEMBERS); }
return RequestManager.put(endpoints.GUILD_BAN(guildID, id), { ...options, delete_message_days: options.days });}
/** Remove the ban for a user. REquires BAN_MEMBERS permission */export function unban(guildID: string, id: string) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.BAN_MEMBERS]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_BAN_MEMBERS); } return RequestManager.delete(endpoints.GUILD_BAN(guildID, id));}
/** Check whether a member has certain permissions in this channel. */export function channelHasPermissions( guild: Guild, channelID: string, memberID: string, permissions: Permission[],) { if (memberID === guild.ownerID) return true;
const member = guild.members.get(memberID); if (!member) { throw new Error( "Invalid member id provided. This member was not found in the cache. Please fetch them with getMember on guild.", ); }
const channel = guild.channels.get(channelID); if (!channel) { throw new Error( "Invalid channel id provided. This channel was not found in the cache.", ); }
let permissionBits = member.roles.reduce((bits, roleID) => { const role = guild.roles.get(roleID); if (!role) return bits;
bits |= role.permissions;
return bits; }, 0);
if (permissionBits & Permissions.ADMINISTRATOR) return true;
return permissions.every((permission) => permissionBits & Permissions[permission] );}
/** Modify a guilds settings. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission. */export function editGuild(guildID: string, options: GuildEditOptions) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_GUILD]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_GUILD); } return RequestManager.patch(endpoints.GUILD(guildID), options);}
/** Get all the invites for this guild. Requires MANAGE_GUILD permission */export function getInvites(guildID: string) { if ( !botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_GUILD]) ) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_GUILD); } return RequestManager.get(endpoints.GUILD_INVITES(guildID));}
/** Leave a guild */export function leave(guildID: string) { return RequestManager.delete(endpoints.GUILD_LEAVE(guildID));}
/** Returns a list of voice region objects for the guild. Unlike the similar /voice route, this returns VIP servers when the guild is VIP-enabled. */export function getVoiceRegions(guildID: string) { return RequestManager.get(endpoints.GUILD_REGIONS(guildID));}
/** Returns a list of guild webhooks objects. Requires the MANAGE_WEBHOOKs permission. */export function getWebhooks(guildID: string) { if (!botHasPermission(guildID, [Permissions.MANAGE_WEBHOOKS])) { throw new Error(Errors.MISSING_MANAGE_WEBHOOKS); }
return RequestManager.get(endpoints.GUILD_WEBHOOKS(guildID));}