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interface Guild
import { type Guild } from "";


id: string

Guild id

name: string

Guild name (2-100 characaters, excluding trailing and leading whitespace)

icon: string | null

Icon hash

iconHash: string | null

Icon hash, returned when in the template object

splash: string | null

Splash hash

discoverySplash: string | null

Discovery splash hash; only present for guilds with the "DISCOVERABLE" feature

owner: boolean

True if the user is the owner of the guild

ownerId: string

Id of the owner

permissions: string

Total permissions for the user in the guild (excludes overwrites)

afkChannelId: string | null

Id of afk channel

afkTimeout: number

Afk timeout in seconds

widgetEnabled: boolean

True if the server widget is enabled

widgetChannelId: string | null

The channel id that the widget will generate an invite to, or null if set to no invite

verificationLevel: VerificationLevels

Verification level required for the guild

defaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevels

Default message notifications level

explicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevels

Explicit content filter level

roles: Role[]

Roles in the guild

emojis: Emoji[]

Custom guild emojis

features: GuildFeatures[]

Enabled guild features

mfaLevel: MfaLevels

Required MFA level for the guild

applicationId: string | null

Application id of the guild creator if it is bot-created

systemChannelId: string | null

The id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted

systemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlags

System channel flags

rulesChannelId: string | null

The id of the channel where community guilds can display rules and/or guidelines

joinedAt: string

When this guild was joined at

large: boolean

True if this is considered a large guild

unavailable: boolean

True if this guild is unavailable due to an outage

memberCount: number

Total number of members in this guild

voiceStates: Omit<VoiceState, "guildId">[]

States of members currently in voice channels; lacks the guild_id key

members: GuildMember[]

Users in the guild

channels: Channel[]

Channels in the guild

threads: Channel[]

All active threads in the guild that the current user has permission to view

presences: Partial<PresenceUpdate>[]

Presences of the members in the guild, will only include non-offline members if the size is greater than large threshold

maxPresences: number | null

The maximum number of presences for the guild (the default value, currently 25000, is in effect when null is returned)

maxMembers: number

The maximum number of members for the guild

vanityUrlCode: string | null

The vaniy url code for the guild

description: string | null

The description of a Community guild

banner: string | null

Banner hash

premiumTier: PremiumTiers

Premium tier (Server Boost level)

premiumSubscriptionCount: number

The number of boosts this guild currently has

preferredLocale: string

The preferred locale of a Community guild; used in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US"

publicUpdatesChannelId: string | null

The id of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive notices from Discord

maxVideoChannelUsers: number

The maximum amount of users in a video channel

approximateMemberCount: number

Approximate number of members in this guild, returned from the GET /guilds/ endpoint when with_counts is true

approximatePresenceCount: number

Approximate number of non-offline members in this guild, returned from the GET /guilds/ endpoint when with_counts is true

welcomeScreen: WelcomeScreen

The welcome screen of a Community guild, shown to new members, returned in an Invite's guild object

nsfwLevel: GuildNsfwLevel

Guild NSFW level

stageInstances: StageInstance[]

Stage instances in the guild

premiumProgressBarEnabled: boolean

Whether the guild has the boost progress bar enabled