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Discord API library for Node and Deno
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import * as discordenoPatched from "";


Maps the <userId, channelId> for dm channels


Sets a thread channel to be archived.

Checks if the bot has these permissions f0r the given channel

Checks if the bot has these permissions in the given guild

Calculates the permissions this member has in the given guild

Calculates the permissions this member has for the given Channel

Checks if a channel overwrite for a user id or a role id has permission in this channel

Create a copy of a channel

Kicks a member from a voice channel

Update a thread's settings. Requires the MANAGE_CHANNELS permission for the guild.

Enables sweepers for your bot but will require, enabling cache first.

Pass in a (compatible) bot instance, and get sweet file loader goodness. Remember to capture the output of this function!

This function will import the specified directories

Fetch members for an entire guild then return the entire guilds cached members.

Writes, then imports all everything in fileloader.ts

Highly recommended to NOT use this function to get members instead use fetchMembers(). REST(this function): 50/s global(across all shards) rate limit with ALL requests this included GW(fetchMembers): 120/m(PER shard) rate limit. Meaning if you have 8 shards your limit is 960/m.

Get the missing Channel permissions this member has

Get the missing Guild permissions this member has

Checks if the given member has these permissions for the given channel

Checks if the given member has these permissions in the given guild

Checks if the first role is higher than the second role

Gets the highest role from the member in this guild

Recursively generates an array of unique paths to import using fileLoader() (Is windows compatible)

Checks if the member has a higher position than the given role

Sets a thread channel to be locked.

Returns the permissions that are not in the given permissionBits

Move a member from a voice channel to another.

Throws an error if the bot has not all of the given channel permissions

Throws an error if the bot does not have all permissions

Throws an error if this member has not all of the given permissions

Throws an error if this member has not all of the given permissions

Internal function to check if the bot has the permissions to set these overwrites

Sends a direct message to a user. This can take two API calls. The first call is to create a dm channel. Then sending the message to that channel. Channel ids are cached as needed to prevent duplicate requests.

sendInteractionResponse with ephemeral reply

Sends a text message.

Suppress all the embeds in this message

Sets a thread channel to be unarchived.

Sets a thread channel to be unlocked.

Checks if the given permission bits are matching the given permissions. ADMINISTRATOR always returns true