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A dispatch queue built in Typescript with the ability to configure multiple queue processors.
import * as dispatchQueue from "";


Run some shared teardown after each test in the suite.

Make an assertion, error will be thrown if expr does not have truthy value.

Make an assertion that actual and expected are equal, deeply. If not deeply equal, then throw.

Make an assertion that actual is not null or undefined. If not then throw.

Asserts that a spy is called as expected.

Asserts that a spy is called as much as expected and no more.

Run some shared setup before each test in the suite.

Registers a test suite.

Registers an individual test case.

Creates a function that returns the iterable values. Any iterable values that are errors will be thrown.

Wraps a function or instance method with a Spy.

Replaces an instance method with a Stub.


Registers a test suite.

Registers an individual test case.

A function or instance method wrapper that records all calls made to it.

An instance method replacement that records all calls made to it.