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Create and verify JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with Deno or the browser.
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import { encode } from ""import { fromUint8Array as convertUint8ArrayToBase64 } from ""import { convertBase64ToBase64url } from ""import { hmac } from ""
interface Claims { iss?: string sub?: string aud?: string[] | string exp?: number nbf?: number iat?: number jti?: string [key: string]: any}
interface Jose { alg: string crit?: string[] [key: string]: any}
function convertToBase64url( input: string | Uint8Array, inputEncoding: string = "utf8"): string { return convertBase64ToBase64url( typeof input === "object" ? convertUint8ArrayToBase64(input) : convertUint8ArrayToBase64( inputEncoding === "hex" ? convertHexToUint8Array(input) : encode(input) ) )}
function convertHexToUint8Array(hex: string): Uint8Array { if (hex.length % 2 !== 0) throw new RangeError("String length is not an even number") return Uint8Array.from( [...hex].reduce((acc, el, i) => { i % 2 === 0 ? (acc[acc.length] = el) : (acc[acc.length - 1] = parseInt( acc[acc.length - 1] + el.toString(), 16 )) return acc }, []) )}
function makeJwsSigningInput( encodedHeader: string, encodedPayload: string): string { return `${encodedHeader}.${encodedPayload}`}
function makeHmacSignature( hash: string, key: string | Uint8Array, msg: string | Uint8Array): string | Uint8Array { return hmac(hash, key, msg, "utf8", "hex")}
function makeSignature( alg: string, key: string | Uint8Array, msg: string | Uint8Array): string | Uint8Array { if (alg === "HS256") return makeHmacSignature("sha256", key, msg) if (alg === "HS512") return makeHmacSignature("sha512", key, msg) throw RangeError("no matching algorithm")}
/* * Helper function: setExpiration() * returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC * Examples: * A specific date: setExpiration(new Date('2020-07-01')); * One hour from now: setExpiration(new Date().getTime() + (60*60*1000)); */function setExpiration(exp: number | Date): number { return (exp instanceof Date ? exp : new Date(exp)).getTime()}
function makeJwt( headerObject: Jose, claims: Claims, // | string = "", key: string): string { try { const encodedHeader = convertToBase64url(JSON.stringify(headerObject)) const encodedPayload = convertToBase64url(JSON.stringify(claims)) const signingInput = makeJwsSigningInput(encodedHeader, encodedPayload) if (headerObject.alg === "none") return `${signingInput}.` const signature = makeSignature(headerObject.alg, key, signingInput) const encodedSignature = convertToBase64url(signature, "hex") return `${signingInput}.${encodedSignature}` } catch (err) { err.message = `Failed to create a JWT: ${err.message}` throw err }}
export default makeJwtexport { setExpiration, Claims, Jose }