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Create and verify JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with Deno or the browser.
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import { encrypt, assertNever } from "./create.ts";import type { Jose, Payload, JsonValue, Algorithm } from "./create.ts";import { convertBase64urlToUint8Array } from "./base64/base64url.ts";import { convertUint8ArrayToHex, convertHexToUint8Array, RSA } from "./deps.ts";
type JwtObject = { header: Jose; payload: Payload; signature: string };type JwtObjectWithUnknownProps = { header: unknown; payload: unknown; signature: unknown;};type JwtValidation = | (JwtObject & { jwt: string; isValid: true; critResult?: unknown[] }) | { jwt: unknown; error: JwtError; isValid: false; isExpired: boolean };type Validation = { jwt: string; key: string; algorithm: Algorithm | Algorithm[]; critHandlers?: Handlers;};type Handlers = { [key: string]: (header: JsonValue) => unknown;};
class JwtError extends Error { readonly message: string; readonly date: Date; constructor(message: string) { super(message); this.message = message; =; = new Date(); }}
function isObject(obj: unknown): obj is object { return ( obj !== null && typeof obj === "object" && Array.isArray(obj) === false );}
function hasProperty<K extends string>( key: K, x: object,): x is { [key in K]: unknown } { return key in x;}
function isExpired(exp: number, leeway = 0): boolean { return exp + leeway < / 1000;}
// A present 'crit' header parameter indicates that the JWS signature validator// must understand and process additional claims (JWS §4.1.11)function checkHeaderCrit( header: Jose, handlers?: Handlers,): Promise<unknown[]> { const reservedWords = new Set([ "alg", "jku", "jwk", "kid", "x5u", "x5c", "x5t", "x5t#S256", "typ", "cty", "crit", "enc", "zip", "epk", "apu", "apv", "iv", "tag", "p2s", "p2c", ]); if ( !Array.isArray(header.crit) || header.crit.some((str: string) => typeof str !== "string" || !str) ) { throw Error( "header parameter 'crit' must be an array of non-empty strings", ); } if (header.crit.some((str: string) => reservedWords.has(str))) { throw Error("the 'crit' list contains a non-extension header parameter"); } if ( header.crit.some( (str: string) => typeof header[str] === "undefined" || typeof handlers?.[str] !== "function", ) ) { throw Error("critical extension header parameters are not understood"); } return Promise.all( string) => handlers![str](header[str] as JsonValue)), );}
function validateJwtObject( maybeJwtObject: JwtObjectWithUnknownProps,): JwtObject { if (typeof maybeJwtObject.signature !== "string") { throw ReferenceError("the signature is no string"); } if ( !( isObject(maybeJwtObject.header) && hasProperty("alg", maybeJwtObject.header) && typeof maybeJwtObject.header.alg === "string" ) ) { throw ReferenceError("header parameter 'alg' is not a string"); } if ( isObject(maybeJwtObject.payload) && hasProperty("exp", maybeJwtObject.payload) ) { if (typeof maybeJwtObject.payload.exp !== "number") { throw RangeError("claim 'exp' is not a number"); } // Implementers MAY provide for some small leeway to account for clock skew (JWT §4.1.4) else if (isExpired(maybeJwtObject.payload.exp, 1)) { throw RangeError("the jwt is expired"); } } return maybeJwtObject as JwtObject;}
async function handleJwtObject( jwtObject: JwtObject, critHandlers?: Handlers,): Promise<[JwtObject, unknown[] | undefined]> { return [ jwtObject, "crit" in jwtObject.header ? await checkHeaderCrit(jwtObject.header, critHandlers) : undefined, ];}
function parseAndDecode(jwt: string): JwtObjectWithUnknownProps { const parsedArray = jwt .split(".") .map(convertBase64urlToUint8Array) .map((uint8Array, index) => index === 2 ? convertUint8ArrayToHex(uint8Array) : JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(uint8Array)) ); if (parsedArray.length !== 3) throw TypeError("invalid serialization"); return { header: parsedArray[0], payload: parsedArray[1], signature: parsedArray[2], };}
function validateAlgorithm( algorithm: Algorithm | Algorithm[], jwtAlg: Algorithm,): boolean { if (Array.isArray(algorithm)) { if (algorithm.length > 1 && algorithm.includes("none")) { throw Error("algorithm 'none' must be used alone"); } else return algorithm.includes(jwtAlg); } else { return algorithm === jwtAlg; }}
async function verifySignature({ signature, key, alg, signingInput,}: { signature: string; key: string; alg: Algorithm; signingInput: string;}): Promise<boolean> { switch (alg) { case "none": case "HS256": case "HS512": { return signature === (await encrypt(alg, key, signingInput)); } case "RS256": { return await new RSA(RSA.parseKey(key)).verify( convertHexToUint8Array(signature), signingInput, { hash: "sha256" }, ); } default: assertNever(alg, "no matching crypto alg in the header: " + alg); }}
async function validateJwt({ jwt, key, critHandlers, algorithm,}: Validation): Promise<JwtValidation> { try { const [oldJwtObject, critResult] = await handleJwtObject( validateJwtObject(parseAndDecode(jwt)), critHandlers, ); if (!validateAlgorithm(algorithm, oldJwtObject.header.alg)) { throw Error("no matching algorithm: " + oldJwtObject.header.alg); } if ( !(await verifySignature({ signature: oldJwtObject.signature, key, alg: oldJwtObject.header.alg, signingInput: jwt.slice(0, jwt.lastIndexOf(".")), })) ) { throw Error("signatures don't match"); } return { ...oldJwtObject, jwt, critResult, isValid: true }; } catch (err) { return { jwt, error: new JwtError(err.message), isValid: false, isExpired: err.message === "the jwt is expired" ? true : false, }; }}
export { validateJwt, validateJwtObject, verifySignature, checkHeaderCrit, parseAndDecode, isExpired, isObject, hasProperty,};
export type { Jose, Payload, Handlers, JwtObject, JwtValidation, Validation };