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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import type { GlobalName, Shim } from "../transform.ts";
/** Provide `true` to use the shim in both the distributed code and test code, * `"dev"` to only use it in the test code, or `false` to not use the shim * at all. * * @remarks Defaults to `false`. */export type ShimValue = boolean | "dev";
/** Provide `true` to use the shim in both the distributed code and test code, * `"dev"` to only use it in the test code, or `false` to not use the shim * at all. * * @remarks These all default to `false`. */export interface ShimOptions { /** Shim the `Deno` namespace. */ deno?: ShimValue | { test: ShimValue; }; /** Shim the global `setTimeout` and `setInterval` functions with * Deno and browser compatible versions. */ timers?: ShimValue; /** Shim the global `confirm`, `alert`, and `prompt` functions. */ prompts?: ShimValue; /** Shim the `Blob` global with the one from the `"buffer"` module. */ blob?: ShimValue; /** Shim the `crypto` global. */ crypto?: ShimValue; /** Shim `DOMException` using the "domexception" package ( */ domException?: ShimValue; /** Shim `fetch`, `File`, `FormData`, `Headers`, `Request`, and `Response` by * using the "undici" package ( */ undici?: ShimValue; /** Use a sham for the `WeakRef` global, which uses `globalThis.WeakRef` when * it exists. The sham will throw at runtime when calling `deref()` and `WeakRef` * doesn't globally exist, so this is only intended to help type check code that * won't actually use it. */ weakRef?: ShimValue; /** Shim `WebSocket` with the `ws` package ( */ webSocket?: boolean | "dev"; /** Custom shims to use. */ custom?: Shim[]; /** Custom shims to use only for the test code. */ customDev?: Shim[];}
export interface DenoShimOptions { /** Only import the `Deno` namespace for `Deno.test`. * This may be useful for environments */ test: boolean | "dev";}
export function shimOptionsToTransformShims(options: ShimOptions) { const shims: Shim[] = []; const testShims: Shim[] = [];
if (typeof options.deno === "object") { add(options.deno.test, getDenoTestShim); } else { add(options.deno, getDenoShim); } add(options.blob, getBlobShim); add(options.crypto, getCryptoShim); add(options.prompts, getPromptsShim); add(options.timers, getTimersShim); add(options.domException, getDomExceptionShim); add(options.undici, getUndiciShim); add(options.weakRef, getWeakRefShim); add(options.webSocket, getWebSocketShim);
if (options.custom) { shims.push(...options.custom); testShims.push(...options.custom); } if (options.customDev) { testShims.push(...options.customDev); }
return { shims, testShims, };
function add(option: boolean | "dev" | undefined, getShim: () => Shim) { if (option === true) { shims.push(getShim()); testShims.push(getShim()); } else if (option === "dev") { testShims.push(getShim()); } }}
function getDenoShim(): Shim { return { package: { name: "@deno/shim-deno", version: "~0.6.0", }, globalNames: ["Deno"], };}
function getDenoTestShim(): Shim { return { package: { name: "@deno/shim-deno-test", version: "~0.3.2", }, globalNames: ["Deno"], };}
function getCryptoShim(): Shim { return { package: { name: "@deno/shim-crypto", version: "~0.3.0", }, globalNames: [ "crypto", typeOnly("Crypto"), typeOnly("SubtleCrypto"), typeOnly("AlgorithmIdentifier"), typeOnly("Algorithm"), typeOnly("RsaOaepParams"), typeOnly("BufferSource"), typeOnly("AesCtrParams"), typeOnly("AesCbcParams"), typeOnly("AesGcmParams"), typeOnly("CryptoKey"), typeOnly("KeyAlgorithm"), typeOnly("KeyType"), typeOnly("KeyUsage"), typeOnly("EcdhKeyDeriveParams"), typeOnly("HkdfParams"), typeOnly("HashAlgorithmIdentifier"), typeOnly("Pbkdf2Params"), typeOnly("AesDerivedKeyParams"), typeOnly("HmacImportParams"), typeOnly("JsonWebKey"), typeOnly("RsaOtherPrimesInfo"), typeOnly("KeyFormat"), typeOnly("RsaHashedKeyGenParams"), typeOnly("RsaKeyGenParams"), typeOnly("BigInteger"), typeOnly("EcKeyGenParams"), typeOnly("NamedCurve"), typeOnly("CryptoKeyPair"), typeOnly("AesKeyGenParams"), typeOnly("HmacKeyGenParams"), typeOnly("RsaHashedImportParams"), typeOnly("EcKeyImportParams"), typeOnly("AesKeyAlgorithm"), typeOnly("RsaPssParams"), typeOnly("EcdsaParams"), ], };}
function getBlobShim(): Shim { return { module: "buffer", globalNames: ["Blob"], };}
function getPromptsShim(): Shim { return { package: { name: "@deno/shim-prompts", version: "~0.1.0", }, globalNames: ["alert", "confirm", "prompt"], };}
function getTimersShim(): Shim { return { package: { name: "@deno/shim-timers", version: "~0.1.0", }, globalNames: ["setInterval", "setTimeout"], };}
function getUndiciShim(): Shim { return { package: { name: "undici", version: "^5.5.1", }, globalNames: [ "fetch", "File", "FormData", "Headers", "Request", "Response", typeOnly("BodyInit"), typeOnly("HeadersInit"), typeOnly("RequestInit"), typeOnly("ResponseInit"), ], };}
function getDomExceptionShim(): Shim { return { package: { name: "domexception", version: "^4.0.0", }, typesPackage: { name: "@types/domexception", version: "^4.0.0", }, globalNames: [{ name: "DOMException", exportName: "default", }], };}
function getWeakRefShim(): Shim { return { package: { name: "@deno/sham-weakref", version: "~0.1.0", }, globalNames: ["WeakRef", typeOnly("WeakRefConstructor")], };}
function getWebSocketShim(): Shim { return { package: { name: "ws", version: "^8.5.0", }, typesPackage: { name: "@types/ws", version: "^8.5.3", peerDependency: false, }, globalNames: [{ name: "WebSocket", exportName: "default", }], };}
function typeOnly(name: string): GlobalName { return { name, typeOnly: true, };}