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Deno to npm package build tool.
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
export interface Chalk { green(text: string): string; red(text: string): string; gray(text: string): string;}
export interface NodeProcess { stdout: { write(text: string): void; }; exit(code: number): number;}
export interface RunTestDefinitionsOptions { chalk: Chalk; process: NodeProcess; /** The file the tests are running in. */ origin: string;}
export interface TestDefinition { name: string; fn: (context: TestContext) => Promise<void> | void; ignore?: boolean;}
export interface TestContext { name: string; parent: TestContext | undefined; origin: string; err: any; children: TestContext[]; hasFailingChild: boolean; getOutput(): string; step( nameOrDefinition: string | TestDefinition, fn?: (context: TestContext) => void | Promise<void>, ): Promise<boolean>; status: "ok" | "fail" | "pending" | "ignored";}
export async function runTestDefinitions( testDefinitions: TestDefinition[], options: RunTestDefinitionsOptions,) { const testFailures = []; for (const definition of testDefinitions) { options.process.stdout.write("test " + + " ..."); if (definition.ignore) { options.process.stdout.write(` ${options.chalk.gray("ignored")}\n`); continue; } const context = getTestContext(definition, undefined); let pass = false; try { await definition.fn(context); if (context.hasFailingChild) { testFailures.push({ name:, err: new Error("Had failing test step."), }); } else { pass = true; } } catch (err) { testFailures.push({ name:, err }); } const testStepOutput = context.getOutput(); if (testStepOutput.length > 0) { options.process.stdout.write(testStepOutput); } else { options.process.stdout.write(" "); } options.process.stdout.write(getStatusText(pass ? "ok" : "fail")); options.process.stdout.write("\n"); }
if (testFailures.length > 0) { options.process.stdout.write("\nFAILURES"); for (const failure of testFailures) { options.process.stdout.write("\n\n"); options.process.stdout.write( + "\n"); options.process.stdout.write( indentText((failure.err?.stack ?? failure.err).toString(), 1), ); } options.process.exit(1); }
function getTestContext( definition: TestDefinition, parent: TestContext | undefined, ): TestContext { return { name:, parent, origin: options.origin, /** @type {any} */ err: undefined, status: "ok", children: [], get hasFailingChild() { return this.children.some((c) => c.status === "fail" || c.status === "pending" ); }, getOutput() { let output = ""; if (this.parent) { output += "test " + + " ..."; } if (this.children.length > 0) { output += "\n" + => indentText(c.getOutput(), 1) ).join("\n") + "\n"; } else if (!this.err) { output += " "; } if (this.parent && this.err) { output += "\n"; } if (this.err) { output += indentText((this.err.stack ?? this.err).toString(), 1); if (this.parent) { output += "\n"; } } if (this.parent) { output += getStatusText(this.status); } return output; }, async step(nameOrTestDefinition, fn) { const definition = getDefinition();
const context = getTestContext(definition, this); context.status = "pending"; this.children.push(context);
if (definition.ignore) { context.status = "ignored"; return false; }
try { await definition.fn(context); context.status = "ok"; if (context.hasFailingChild) { context.status = "fail"; return false; } return true; } catch (err) { context.status = "fail"; context.err = err; return false; }
/** @returns {TestDefinition} */ function getDefinition() { if (typeof nameOrTestDefinition === "string") { if (!(fn instanceof Function)) { throw new TypeError("Expected function for second argument."); } return { name: nameOrTestDefinition, fn, }; } else if (typeof nameOrTestDefinition === "object") { return nameOrTestDefinition; } else { throw new TypeError( "Expected a test definition or name and function.", ); } } }, }; }
function getStatusText(status: TestContext["status"]) { switch (status) { case "ok": return; case "fail": case "pending": return; case "ignored": return options.chalk.gray(status); default: { const _assertNever: never = status; return status; } } }
function indentText(text: string, indentLevel: number) { if (text === undefined) { text = "[undefined]"; } else if (text === null) { text = "[null]"; } else { text = text.toString(); } return text.split(/\r?\n/) .map((line) => " ".repeat(indentLevel) + line) .join("\n"); }}